Ontology and Dmail Unite

Empowering Web3 Explorers 🌐🚀

The Ontology Team
2 min readNov 30, 2023


Are you ready to dive into the world of Web3 and decentralized identity? Join us on this thrilling journey where you, our amazing Ontology community, take center stage. Sign up for our Dmail Subhub here and stay at the forefront of Web3 and decentralized identity. Join us today!

What’s in it for You? 🎁

👉 Unlock Exclusive Rewards: Get ready to claim special rewards like NFTs as you explore the world of Web3. The more you engage, the more you earn! It’s all about celebrating your efforts.

👉 Shape the Future: By participating, you’re not just joining a campaign; you’re helping to shape the future of Web3 and decentralized identity. Your actions matter, and we’re excited to see where they’ll take us.

How to Get Involved 🚀

📣 Follow the Twitter Buzz: Our Twitter is buzzing with campaign updates, partner highlights, and exciting announcements. Follow Ontology and our partners to stay in the loop. Keep an eye out for a content calendar packed with engaging posts.

🌌 Take Action for ONT: Ready to roll up your sleeves? Take action by creating wallets and staking ONT. We’ve simplified the process to make it a breeze.

💡 Discover Partner Benefits: Explore the benefits of our partners’ platforms through the lens of Ontology. They’ve got a lot to offer, and your participation could even earn you extra rewards.

🎉 Earn Rewards for Your Efforts: The more you engage, the more you earn! Deposit a minimum amount and watch your rewards grow. We’ve got guides to make the process smooth and easy for you.

🌟 Claim Your Special Reward: Once you’ve conquered the campaign steps, claim your special OAT reward on Galxe. It’s hassle-free, and we’ll guide you every step of the way.

What’s Next? 🌐

🚀 Stay Tuned for Future Surprises: This campaign is just the beginning. We’re cooking up some exciting surprises for you in the world of Web3. The more you participate, the closer you get to unlocking bigger and better rewards.

🎉 Join the Conversation: Our AMAs are a chance for us to chat, learn, and celebrate together. Keep an eye out for these engaging sessions hosted by both Ontology and our partners.

Ready to Get Started? 🚀

Don’t wait! Dive into the world of Web3 with us. Your actions, big or small, make a difference. Join us on this incredible journey where community is at the heart of everything we do.

Let’s make waves together in the world of Web3 and decentralized identity! 🌐🚀

