Ontology Celebrates the Third Anniversary of Their MainNet Launch!

By Li Jun, Founder of Ontology, the high performance, public blockchain specializing in decentralized identity and data

The Ontology Team
2 min readJul 13, 2021


We see that it was the third anniversary of your mainnet launch at the end of June, congratulations! Could you tell us a bit about why decentralized identity and data solutions have been the focus of Ontology’s vision over the past three years.

Since our MainNet launch three years ago, decentralized identity solutions and secure data management have become increasingly important. Every day, individuals make millions of transactions online, whether they be related to social media, banking, ecommerce, or work. Despite this increased digital migration, privacy and security have not advanced in tandem. Every day we see new data breaches involving the exposure of millions of users’ sensitive personal information, yet people rarely stop to question how companies and services are collecting and using their data.

At Ontology, we want to empower users to take back control of how their digital identity is managed online, where their data is stored, and how it is protected. Our mission is to facilitate a decentralized identity framework that uses blockchain technology to redefine trust and challenge the status quo.

What are some of the strategic partnerships that have informed your success over the years?

Strategic partnerships have been highly valuable for creating technical use cases of our decentralized solutions over the last few years and in reflecting buy-in from key industry players. We were proud to partner with Mercedes manufacturer Daimler last year to launch the “Welcome Home” app for automobiles, which uses Ontology’s bespoke digital identity and decentralized solutions through a personalized identity management system.

In the blockchain world, we have been delighted to see the integration of Ontology’s solutions on other public chains including Ethereum and other mainstream public blockchains.

What are Ontology’s plans for the future and how does your development of an Ethereum Virtual Machine feed into this?

Decentralized identity and data will remain the key focus of Ontology’s offering as we move forward. As well as this, we recently announced the integration of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which will connect our trusted decentralized identity solutions with millions of developers and users in the EVM-based blockchain ecosystem upon completion, later this year.

Our goal is to establish seamless interoperability between the Ontology and Ethereum platform, and offer an inclusive experience to developers and users. This is a big step towards allowing all blockchain projects to easily adopt Ontology’s DID solutions into their products.

Want more Ontology?

Learn more about our decentralized data and identity solutions on our website and official Twitter account. You can also chat with us on Telegram and keep up-to-date with the latest news via our Telegram Announcement account.

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