Ontology dApp Incentive Schemes: Descriptions and how to apply

The Ontology Team
Published in
5 min readDec 29, 2018

The Ontology Foundation will trial the models for one year — from April 1st, 2019 to April 1st, 2020 — during which time the rules will not change. The period before April 2019 will be used for technology development and preparation.

Early Bird Scheme: Transaction fee rebate

From April 1st to June 30th 2019 developers will receive 60% of transaction fees, up from 50%!

50% of all transaction fees (ONG) generated by a dApp will be returned to the dApp developer. Ontology hopes this model will encourage intuitive and effective dApps.

In order to encourage pioneering developers, we have set a 3-month “early bird period”, which means 60% of all transaction fees generated by dApps will be returned to the dApp developers from April 1st to June 30th, 2019.


Let’s say a dApp developer released a hit dApp through Ontology on April 5th, 2019, and tens of thousands of users made transactions on the dApp. The developer will then receive 60% of all transaction fees in the month of April, May, and June, and then 50% starting from July 1st.

How to apply?

Submit your dApp on the top right of the Ontology dApp page.

A note for all developers: The earlier you apply, the more you earn! Don’t miss out. Also, application review takes 1–2 business days, so please apply as early as possible.

Worker Ant Scheme: Active dApp incentives

The most popular dApps will receive extra incentives. You can find the ranking on Ontology’s official dApp website: https://dapp.ont.io/.


  1. dApp ranking will be determined by the number of active users and transaction volume.
  2. The higher the ranking, the greater the incentive.
  3. Incentives will be given out in ONG.


The dApp must have more than 100 daily active users (DAU) or its 24-hour transaction volume (VOL) must exceed 4,500 USD.

Note: Data collection begins at 00:00 every Monday (UTC) and ends at 23:59 every Sunday (UTC). Daily active users refers to average weekly DAUs and daily transaction volume is the average daily transaction volume each week.


If the number of qualified dApps in the ranking is under 20, the top 5 will share a prize pool of 20,000 USD in ONG each week based on their activity and daily transaction volume.

If the number of qualified dApps in the ranking is between 20 and 50, the top 10 will share a prize pool of 50,000 USD in ONG each week based on their activity and daily transaction volume.

How to apply?

Submit your dApp on the top right of the Ontology dApp page.

Please note: Gambling dApps or dApps that falsify data are not included in this incentive model. We will disqualify any dApps whose activity is found to be manipulated.

Angel Investment Scheme: dApp development loan program

For developers who start developing without funding, Ontology launched a customized loan program. After the loan application is approved, Ontology will provide developers with financial support for development and operation, and allow them to repay the loans in the method they choose.

How to apply?

Send the following information to business@ont.io:

  1. Team name;
  2. Team introduction;
  3. Contact person and phone number;
  4. The functions of your dApp;
  5. Estimated number of days needed for development;
  6. Estimated number of days needed for the loan;
  7. Estimated loan amount needed.

Ontology will reply your email within 1–2 business days.

Loan program process:

  1. Developers send their loan applications to business@ont.io;
  2. The Ontology Technical Committee evaluates applications and determines the loan amount;
  3. dApp enters development phase with support from Ontology throughout;
  4. When dApp development is 70% complete, the Ontology Technical Committee reviews it. After evaluating the project, we issue the first installment of your loan, which is 50% of the total loan amount;
  5. After the dApp is launched, the remaining 50% will be issued in the second installment;
  6. When the dApp is up and running and the loan is due, developers pay back their loans in the method they choose.

Loan issuance:

The loan is issued in ONT and we will record the equivalent USDT amount at the time of issuance.

Repayment plan:

At the time of repayment, depending on the ONT price at the time, dApp developers can choose from two ways to pay back the loan:

  1. Developers can choose to return the equivalent USDT amount recorded at issuance.
  2. Developers can choose to return the same amount of ONT.

Please note: Gambling dApps or dApps that falsify data are not included in this incentive model. The copyright and operations of dApps belong to their developers.

Developer Support Scheme: Technical, marketing, and operation support

In addition to financial support for development and operation, the Ontology team further provides developers with technical, marketing, and operation support.

How to apply?

Send the following information to marketing@ont.io:

  1. Team name
  2. Team introduction
  3. Contact person and phone number
  4. The functions of your dApp
  5. Estimated number of days needed for development
  6. The support you need

Ontology will reply to you within 1–2 business days.

After evaluating the application, Ontology will discuss with the dApp development team how to help market the dApp throughout its life cycle.


The gaming dApp HyperDragons Go! was officially launched on Ontology on December 25th, 2018. According to data on December 28th, the average daily growth rate of players in the first three days reached 272%, the average daily growth rate of active players was 919%, and the average daily growth rate of transactions was 756%.

HyperDragons Go! example

It only took the Ontology team five weeks to help move this game from Ethereum to Ontology. Our support in this process included:

Technical Support

  • Providing protocols to help HyperDragons Go! to achieve the scan-to-play feature (ONTO is the first mobile app that supports such feature).
  • Guidance on the use of the TS-SDK.
  • Coding instructions and auditing of smart contracts.

Marketing support

  • Global community sharing: The news shared covered over 200,000 users over 36 channels on 11 social media platforms.
  • Global marketing operations: event planning, poster design, news releases, community article writing and proofreading, real-time community maintenance, and feedback.

Are you a developer? Make sure you have joined our tech community on Discord. Also, take a look at the Developer Center on our website, there you can find developer tools, documentation, and more.

