Ontology Grant Hackathon Workshop

The Underlying Logic of Building for Web3 with Ontology

The Ontology Team
4 min readApr 15, 2022


Ontology and Dorahacks are hosting a virtual hackathon as part of our Ontology EVM Fund initiative to support the development of Web3 dApps on the Ontology EVM. The virtual hackathon runs from 1st-30th April and supports Web3 innovation on Ontology, particularly in privacy and decentralized identity. We have made a $100K developer prize pool available.

To support interested developers, we ran an Ontology Grant Hackathon Workshop, where Li Jun and Humpty Calderon covered some of the key reasons for building on the Ontology public blockchain. Here, we summarise some of the most important points, and hope that they are useful guidelines as to why developing for Web3 makes sense with Ontology.

Since inception, Ontology has had a singular focus on building the decentralized infrastructure to support privacy applications. As such, the Ontology public blockchain is not only fast, accessible and secure, but it incorporates important protocols to optimize the development process for Web3.

Currently, public blockchains are mainly focused on digital asset management. However, Web3 is set to change this. Identity, personal data, credit scores, and all kinds of public information will need to be stored on public blockchains to make Web3 a reality. This is where Ontology is focused; Building the fundamental architecture to support Web3 dApps. As such, you can think of Ontology as a public blockchain with built in Web3 protocols for management of such things like decentralized identity, personal data and credit scores.

Ontology also supports multi-virtual machines (VM), which makes it the most VM supported blockchain. We offer the NeoVM, WasmVM, and now the Ontology EVM. This provides developers with a host of familiar tools with which to build, whether that’s more traditional programming environments, or more blockchain specific environments such as the building tools around Ethereum.

This multi-VM approach means that we support 4 types of smart contracts. These can be used individually, or you can easily build interactions between different VMs. This means you could build different parts of a dApp using different smart contracts, and they integrate across multiple-VMs to optimize results.

An important question to ask is, why build on the Ontology EVM? The answer, in part, is because of all the things we’ve already spoken about. It’s easy and efficient to launch existing projects on Ontology at the same time as Ethereum and other EVM supporting chains. If you’re an EVM based dApp developer, then you have access to all of the tools you are comfortable with. The Ontology EVM supports Ethereum addresses, provides a safe and secure bridge to move between formats, and supports the majority of Web3 JSON-RPC APIs.

Beyond this, it provides you with access to the fundamental tools and protocols that we have already built to provide the necessary Web3 infrastructure. This saves time and resources, as you don’t need to build your own protocols for every dApp you develop, we provide modular functionality.

The core products for this functionality are ONT ID, a multi-chain decentralized identity framework, bringing fundamental functionality for Web3, and ONTO Wallet, which provides ease of access to the Web3 environment and natively integrates ONT ID.

Finally, we bring an active and engaged community, spanning several languages and incorporating existing partnerships and over 1.5million created ONT IDs. We look forward to you joining us.

If you are interested in taking part in the Ontology Grant Hackathon on Dorahacks, you can read a guide here, and apply for the grant here. Good luck, we can’t wait to see what you build!

Learn more about our decentralized data and identity solutions on our website and official Twitter account. You can also chat with us on Telegram and keep up-to-date with the latest news via our Telegram Announcement account.

