Ontology Harbinger Interview Series: Dilip

This is an ongoing series featuring Ontology’s Harbingers. Harbingers are exceptional leaders that help Ontology grow its community and ecosystem, making it an ever-stronger blockchain, and decentralized identity and data leader.

The Ontology Team
3 min readAug 10, 2021


In the third interview in this series, Ontology speaks with Dilip.

1. How did you hear about Ontology? What drew you to Ontology?

After researching several blockchain projects, I eventually discovered Ontology. The reason I was drawn to Ontology is because its vision aligned perfectly with what I believe in.

2. What made you become a supporter of Ontology and a champion of its brand?

I firmly believe in Ontology’s vision and mission and am eager to contribute more to the ecosystem. I decided to build a Sinhala community from scratch in June 2019 and turned it into one of the largest Ontology multilingual communities and one of the largest Sinhala crypto communities in the industry. I utilized my previous marketing and communication skills training and was able to build a very fast-growing crypto community in Sri Lanka.

3. What do you see as the key role of a Harbinger? What is your favorite thing about being a Harbinger?

Spreading knowledge and news via our community. By working closely with the Ontology team, I can share accurate information to help the community understand the project’s vision and specific goals.

4. Why is being part of the Ontology community important to you?

As every cryptocurrency enthusiast knows, Ontology is one of the best blockchain-based projects in the world. I think being a part of a project like this and improving my skills at the same time is the best thing I could be doing.

5. How is Ontology’s community different from other blockchain communities? Is there anything that makes it stand out?

Unlike other blockchain communities, Ontology tries to give the best to their community. They work hard to keep their communities up-to-date with their latest developments, which I think every blockchain-based community should do.

6. What do you use as your key channels for engagement with the Ontology community and why? Would you like to see any others?

In Sri Lanka, cryptocurrency followers are mostly based on Telegram and Twitter. As a Harbinger, most of the time I keep in contact with crypto lovers through Telegram. So I decided to focus primarily on Telegram.

7. Can you share a memorable experience or something you’ve learned from being a Harbinger? What advice would you give to someone looking to become a Harbinger?

In Q3 of 2019, I was named Admin of the Quarter. I received this honor after increasing the community by 336%; I also hosted offline and online events to help promote Ontology. This is my most memorable experience of being a Harbinger. Being an admin is easy. But being a reputed community admin one hundred percent depends on you. You will definitely be rewarded for keeping active and working hard.

8. How would you describe the Ontology community in three words?

Unique, Authoritative, Trustworthy.

9. How do you think Ontology could expand its community going forward? What would you like to see more or less of? What kinds of things do you see community members do that you think help our community grow?

In my view, keeping close contact with the community is one of the most important things to grow the community. And making community members motivated by arranging events and giving away gifts is also a key factor.

10. What do you see as the key milestones for Ontology and how can the community help with achieving these?

To stand out among the 100 best cryptocurrencies is really hard. Ontology proved its worth by gaining a lot of community members. It also made ONT one of the best cryptocurrencies out of thousands of other cryptocurrencies.

To learn more about Ontology’s Harbinger Program and how you can get involved, check out our updated GUIDE.

Tune in next week for the fourth interview in the Ontology Harbinger Interview Series.

Want more Ontology?

Learn more about our decentralized data and identity solutions on our website and official Twitter account. You can also chat with us on Telegram and keep up-to-date with the latest news via our Telegram Announcement account.

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