Ontology Harbinger Interview Series: Duy

This is an ongoing series featuring Ontology’s Harbingers. Harbingers are exceptional leaders that help Ontology grow its community and ecosystem, making it an ever-stronger blockchain, and decentralized identity and data leader.

The Ontology Team
4 min readAug 19, 2021


In the fourth interview in this series, Ontology speaks with Duy, administrator of Ontology Vietnam and Wing DAO Vietnam.

1. How did you hear about Ontology? What drew you to Ontology?

I first learned about Ontology in March, 2018. At that time, I followed the newly listed coins on Binance and realized Ontology is a high-performance blockchain with the goal of building a decentralized trust ecosystem. It’s revolutionary technology allows businesses to use blockchain technology without having to be experts in the technology themselves. I was really impressed with the project.

2. What made you become a supporter of Ontology and a champion of its brand?

Realizing the potential of Ontology; a project that I believe will thrive in the future. Community is also one of the factors contributing to the success of the project. So, I decided to become one of the supporters of Ontology.

3. What do you see as the key role of a Harbinger? What is your favorite thing about being a Harbinger?

A Harbinger’s role is to share information about the project, improve community understanding of the project, and remove language barriers. I feel happy when I can help communicate and share information with the community.

4. Why is being part of the Ontology community important to you?

I strive to contribute my efforts to the sustainable development of Ontology.

5. How is Ontology’s community different from other blockchain communities? Is there anything that makes it stand out?

Ontology’s community is multilingual, with over 30 different languages. Not many other blockchain projects have such a large community. With a community as diverse as Ontology’s, the project’s information can be spread across the globe. In this way, Ontology will be known by more and more people.

6. What do you use as your key channels for engagement with the Ontology community and why? Would you like to see any others?

I typically use Telegram. Currently, I am the administrator of Ontology Vietnam, and Wing DAO Vietnam. I also opened a Facebook page, Ontology Vietnam, because Vietnamese people use Facebook more than other social networks. At the same time, I also have a personal Twitter account to interact with Ontology.

7. Can you share a memorable experience or something you’ve learned from being a Harbinger? What advice would you give to someone looking to become a Harbinger?

I have learned many skills and absorbed lots of knowledge and experiences from managers and other Harbingers. My advice to Harbingers is to try, try to learn, learn more information about products, ecosystems, and technologies related to Ontology. Do your best to help and interact with the community and you will become an excellent Harbinger.

8. How would you describe the Ontology community in three words?

Advanced, Sophisticated, Sustainable.

9. How do you think Ontology could expand its community going forward? What would you like to see more/less of? What kinds of things do you see community members do that you think help our community grow?

To expand and develop the community further in the future, I think building a good team of Harbingers is also one of the factors. And in the future, I hope Ontology’s products such as websites, documents, ONTO, etc., can be available in more languages. In addition, actively interact, absorb and respond to the community more.

10. What do you see as the key milestones for Ontology and how can the community help with achieving these?

Ontology’s big milestone for me was the MainNet launch event. Over the years, Ontology has continuously evolved and updated its decentralized identity and data vision and decentralized identity framework, ONT ID. With the rapid development of the Internet today, data has become a valuable resource that requires secure methods of storage. The cryptocurrency market has been developing strongly in recent years, but it is also a new industry with lots of potential, as well as challenges and limitations. Ontology is no exception. They have a lot ahead of them. Hopefully the community will always support Ontology in the future, helping Ontology grow stronger and stronger.

To learn more about Ontology’s Harbinger Program and how you can get involved, check out our updated GUIDE.

Tune in next week for the fifth interview in the Ontology Harbinger Interview Series.

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