Ontology Harbinger Interview Series: Emilio

This is an ongoing series featuring Ontology’s Harbingers. Harbingers are exceptional leaders that help Ontology grow its community and ecosystem, making it an ever-stronger blockchain, and decentralized identity and data leader.

The Ontology Team
4 min readAug 3, 2021


In the second interview in this series, Ontology speaks with Emilio.

1. How did you hear about Ontology? What drew you to Ontology?

Four years ago before the Ontology project was officially announced, a friend told me about it. I decided to learn more and found that I really liked the project’s vision. I subscribed to their newsletter and… to my surprise, for that alone they gave me a generous airdrop with the launch of their TestNet. I was very pleased that the project did not have an ICO and instead had a fair and equitable distribution of their tokens.

2. What made you become a supporter of Ontology and a champion of its brand?

The purpose of the project was aligned with my thoughts, but there was no information in Spanish about Ontology. I decided to create a Spanish Telegram channel to talk and share opinions with other people, and try to unify all the available information in Spanish.

3. What do you see as the key role of a Harbinger? What is your favorite thing about being a Harbinger?

When I learned about the purpose of Ontology — i.e. its mission to provide decentralized identity and data management tools to the world — I realized that thanks to this purpose, something beneficial could be achieved for people, giving them back a large part of the freedom they have lost. I think the key role of a Harbinger is to convey that feeling, that things can be changed, and that there are projects like Ontology that are working hard to foster positive change in the world.

4. Why is being part of the Ontology community important to you?

Because I feel part of something big; part of a project that wants to give people control of their identity again, and protect their privacy and data.

5. How is Ontology’s community different from other blockchain communities? Is there anything that makes it stand out?

There is a part of the community that is only there to speculate with the price and try to make a profit but, little by little, people are transformed and realize that the price is not that important. They understand that the purpose of Ontology goes further and that it will achieve very important changes in people’s daily lives. Then the economic benefits will come.

6. What do you use as your key Ontology community channels for and why? Would you like to see any others?

All channels are valuable; the important thing is to know how to communicate the project’s vision and purpose. I enjoy talking about Ontology with new people face to face. It’s fun to share my knowledge about the project and its vision with others.

7. Can you share a memorable experience or something you’ve learned from being a Harbinger? What advice would you give to someone looking to become a Harbinger?

Before, when I wanted to talk to someone important from another project on YouTube, it was very difficult; they ignored me. But now when I tell them that I am part of Ontology, they pay attention to me and I can have interesting conversations. Another very comforting thing is when I wear my Ontology shirt and someone comes to talk to me because they know the project — it’s great.

The advice I would give to someone who wants to become a Harbinger, is that if they feel aligned with the purpose of Ontology, and are able to communicate well with other people and want to be part of a big family, jump in and join us.

8. How would you describe the Ontology community in three words?

Dedicated, Innovative, Ambitious.

9. How do you think Ontology could expand its community going forward? What would you like to see more or less of? What kinds of things do you see community members do that you think help our community grow?

We have to find a channel where we can explain to a greater number of people the purpose of Ontology; where we come from, where we are, and where we are going.

10. What do you see as the key milestones for Ontology and how can the community help with achieving these?

Create more dApps that solicit community feedback. It is as easy as asking them, “What do you want us to develop?” Then, create a line of work where the community and developers work together.

To learn more about Ontology’s Harbinger Program and how you can get involved, check out our updated GUIDE.

Tune in next week for the third interview in the Ontology Harbinger Interview Series.

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