Ontology Holds First European Meetup in London

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2018

Ontology held its first European meetup in London on May 17th, 2018, at Tech City College in London’s technology center.

In the less than six months since the project launched, Ontology has been growing at a fast pace, both in terms of community and technology development. In this short time, Ontology has attended events in more than 10 countries and the Ontology MainNet will be released before the end of the quarter.

Li Jun, Founder of Ontology, was the sole speaker at the event, giving an extended one hour presentation on Ontology.

In his presentation, Li laid out what Ontology’s chain network and trust ecosystem will look like in the first version of MainNet, including the VBFT consensus algorithm and Triones Consensus Membership System. Li also laid out Ontology’s plans for a large developer community with generous incentives.

In the Q&A, Li received several important questions from the audience. Topics included the philosophy behind the ONT ID trust anchor mechanism and how confident Ontology is in accomplishing the goals of its road maps and becoming a mainstream infrastructure globally.

The Q&A session was followed by a mixer session where guests socialized and networked.

We feel very humbled at the positive response we have had from our growing community and are sincerely grateful to all of the volunteers who helped make the event possible. We welcome joint participation to help bring an Ontology meetup to your city. If you are interested, you can drop us an email at marketing@ont.io. Please also make sure you are part of our online communities, the full list of links are below.

The can watch the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5ut4MKVElA.

The Ontology Team

Thank you to Thomas Clarke (https://tomclarke.tv/) for the photos.

