Ontology Monthly Report — December 2021

The Ontology Team
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2022

To celebrate Ontology’s 4th anniversary, Ontology launched the special event “Cyberspace 4 Philosophers”. All 10,000 NFTs were fully sold out within 7 days, demonstrating the extraordinary enthusiasm of Ontology’s community members. Congratulations to everyone who managed to mint their NFTs! The staking has already started, and everyone who holds an NFT is welcome to join! We also launched the new version of our official website ont.io. The new architecture, multi-language versions and clearer news channel will bring users a better experience.

Developments/Corporate Updates

Development Progress

  • We have completed the launch of Ontology’s EVM TestNet. Developers are welcome to conduct various application tests. Related documents can be obtained at the Ontology Developer Center.
  • We are 100% done with the survey on the improvement of the ONT and ONG decimals and we are 70% done with testing.
  • We are 70% done with the survey on the RISCV’s simplified instruction set architecture.
  • We are 50% done with the truebit challenge design survey.
  • We are 20% done with the Rollup VM design.

Product Development

  • ONTO App v4.1.3 was released, bringing support for FIO chain and the domains feature, as well as updating paths for the sharing feature.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with Harmony, a well-known public chain. The first 600 participants earned rewards. The activity has successfully concluded, and the bonuses will be distributed within 7 days from the end date of the campaign.
  • ONTO Web hosted a campaign with IoTeX. The first 500 participants earned rewards. The activity has successfully concluded.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with Mars Ecosystem. The first 200 participants, and the top 20 participants who staked the most, earned rewards. The activity has successfully concluded, with more than 700 participants.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with BabySwap. The top 20 participants who staked the most will receive the highest tier of rewards. The top 20 participants who vote ONG on BabySwap, via ONTO Wallet, will receive bonus rewards. The activity has successfully concluded, with more than 800 participants.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with CZodiac. The first 300 participants earned rewards. Participants who met certain conditions had the chance to enter a lottery. The first 100 new ONTO users participating in the event also earned additional rewards. The activity has successfully concluded, with more than 700 participants.

On-Chain Activity

  • As of December 24, 2021, there have been 122 dApps launched in total on MainNet.
  • There have been a total of 6,840,780 dApp-related transactions completed on MainNet, an increase of 17,511 dApp-related transactions compared to the past month.
  • There have been a total of 16,865,083 transactions completed on MainNet, an increase of 131,553 transactions compared to the past month.

Community Growth & Bounty

  • This month, Polaris from the English Ontology community officially became an Ontology Harbinger. This excellent community member has always been an active supporter, and will bring new energy to our community. We welcome more new members to join us.
  • Ontology published the next couple of interviews in its Harbinger Series. Polaris from our English community said that Ontology uses blockchain technology to continuously promote the development of the smart economy on the basis of protecting user privacy, making it fairer, and more transparent. As such, he has become a supporter of Ontology.
  • This month, the Ontology Community Call on Discord and Telegram was held as usual, focusing on topics such as “the value of a project” and “what is trust?”. Head of Community Humpty Calderon, Ontology Harbinger Polaris, and Atherton Hoge discussed those issues with community members, shared that a “Trustless” decentralized network should be able to protect the privacy of users through DID, and achieve anonymous and secure interactions by integrating the reputation system on the chain.
  • This month, we held our DeID Summit, led by Humpty Calderon, our Head of Community. He invited bloXmove CEO Sophia Roediger and CTO Harry Behrens to discuss the application of DID technology in the field of mobile travel. The fragmentation of the urban transport industry means there is a great need to fortify user security and data through decentralized technologies. By integrating Ontology’s DID and data solutions, the whole ecosystem of bloXmove will be made more private, more secure, and will be easier to navigate.
  • We held our Telegram Community Call of our Spanish community for the first time, led by Ontology Harbinger Emilio. He reviewed the latest progress made in the fourth anniversary of Ontology with community members: Through the comprehensive deployment of DID, global users can maintain the unity of identity and the interoperability of data.
  • We held our Telegram Community Discussion, led by Benny, an Ontology Harbinger from our Asian community. He discussed with community members about Ontology’s 4th anniversary NFT event, recent popular NFTs and games, the current Metaverse construction, and the role of Ontology in the construction of Web3. Community members expressed their opinions enthusiastically.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates. To join Ontology’s Telegram group and keep up to date, click here.

New Team Members

We are delighted to welcome our newest members of the Ontology team. This month, we welcomed a new blockchain senior researcher a new BD Associate, a new MKT associate, and a new Co-builder.


At Ontology, we are always looking to expand our team. We currently have a list of open roles and are looking to hire ambitious and hardworking individuals (see below). Check out our website for full details.

  • Global Marketing manager
  • Solution Architect Europe
  • DeFi Strategist
  • Solution Consultant
  • Test Engineer
  • Quantization Trader
  • Engineer, iOS
  • Engineer, Android
  • Product Lead
  • BD manager
  • HR specialist
  • Senior front-end engineer
  • BD
  • Associate,Operation
  • Senior software Developer,Java
  • Blockchain Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Blockchain Test Development Engineer

Out & About — Event Spotlight

It was all hands on deck this month with a string of news and developments:

  • Ontology’s Chief of Global Ecosystem Partnerships, Gloria Wu, published the article “Why a decentralized metaverse is Web 3.0’s new frontier” in Forkast. She said decentralized networks built on blockchain can help to ensure no single entity has monolithic control over a given technology. Blockchain will be essential for creating a thriving metaverse and providing the decentralized infrastructure needed.
  • Ontology founder Li Jun was interviewed by Cybernews, he said users are increasingly sharing their sensitive personal information in exchange for convenience services in the article: “Decentralized identity: is privacy worth the risk?”. He believes that decentralized identity can preserve privacy of users when leading increasingly interconnected lives.

Learn more about our decentralized data and identity solutions on our website and official Twitter account. You can also chat with us on Telegram and keep up-to-date with the latest news via our Telegram Announcement account.

Other Resources

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