Ontology Monthly Report — June 2023

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2023

We brought an excellent quality of life upgrade for the Ontology community, with an enhanced Ontology staking website experience.

✅ Streamlined Design ✅ Intuitive Interface ✅ New Checkmarks

With the new interface, it’s even easier to make the best decision for your Ontology stake. Enjoy a seamless staking journey & explore the upgraded website now.

Visit ➡️ http://node.ont.io

ONT ID listed on the Optimism Ecosystem Page as a DID provider.

Development Progress

  • We are 95% done with the EVM bloom bit index optimization.
  • We are 95% done with the high ledger memory usage optimization.
  • We are 100% done with the design of ONT liquid staking.
  • We are 30% done with the test and deployment of ONT liquid staking.

Out & About — Event Spotlight

It was all hands on deck this month with a string of news reports and developments:

● Ontology hosted a joint TwitterSpaces together with Alchemy Pay, talking about on-ramps, payments, and how they impact our crypto community.

● Ontology Loyal Members Sasen and Furst joined a TwitterSpace with Crypto Wallet, talking about “How Decentrilized Identitity changed community members’ lives.”

● We celebrated Father’s Day with our community.

Ontology’s very own Raindy has been featured on HackerNoon! Dive into her excellent piece on the essential role of Web3 for a glimpse into our digital future. Well worth a read for everyone interested in blockchain and its potential!

● ChangeNow published an excellent blog, introducing the Ontology blockchain ecosystem.

● We published a selection of #OWN101 features, as part of our #OWNInsights series. We brought you the definition of “Soft Fork”, ”Hard Fork”, “OEP-4”, and ”Double Spending”.

Product Development

● ONTO V4.5.2 is LIVE. The update includes the integration of Sui Network and Chiliz mainnet, the addition of eth-sign risk warnings to improve security, and an optimized wallet creation process & asset symbol display.

● ONTO launched a giveaway event with Signtn on Galxe.

● There was a Telegram quiz hosted by ONTO and Sightn

● An excellent AMA hosted by ONTO guest speaker: Mortnn

● ONTO has published an article about Web3 domains.

● ONTO has published an article about securely manage digital assets.

● ONTO has launched partnerships with Demon War, Opside and Mortonn.

On-Chain Activity

● 164 total dApps on MainNet as of June 30th, 2023.

● 7631041 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 66,250 from last month.

● 18,834,958 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 106,577 from last month.

Community Growth & Bounties

● This month, several Ontology Community Calls and discussions were held on Discord, Telegram and Twitter, focusing on topics such as “The Promise of Bitcoin Is About Much More Than Financial Freedom”, “Hard Forks” and “recent SEC news”. Community members actively shared their views, and participants also got the chance to win Loyal Member NFTs.

● We held our Monthly Quiz led by Ontology Harbingers. Community members actively raised questions and shared 100 ONG rewards.

● As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates. To join Ontology’s Telegram group and keep up to date, click here.


At Ontology, we are always looking to expand our team. We currently have a list of open roles and are looking to hire ambitious and hardworking individuals (see below). Check out our website for full details.

Recently, we hired:

- A UI Designer

- A Senior Engineer, DevOps

Now, we are still looking for:

- Software Developer, Java

- Software Developer, GO

- Front-end Engineer

- Blockchain Test Development Engineer

- Quality Assurance Engineer

- Community Operations Associate

- Content Operations Associate

- Operations Associate

- Wallet Product Manager

- Marketing Manager

- UI Designer

- HR Specialist

