Ontology Monthly Report — September 2020

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2020

September 2020 has been one of Ontology’s most successful months to date, as we continue our endeavor to accelerate the DeFi movement. Some highlights include:

  • Wing, the first credit-integrated DeFi project based on the Ontology blockchain, released its whitepaper
  • ONT and ONG are now listed on Uniswap
  • Three votes completed by the Wing DAO
  • The launch of Wing’s Flash Pool Mining Celebration through which users can gain an up to ten-fold increases in WING rewards
  • Multiple swaps now listed on Wing

You can find more detailed updates below.






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Development Progress
MainNet Optimization
- Ontology v2.1.1 Alpha released
- Ontology GraphQL interface development completed
- Rust Wasm contract development hub released ontio-std v0.4

Product Development
- ONTO v3.3.0 and v3.4.0 launched
- Integration with TRON and Polkadot completed
- Upgraded credential functions and asset score functions, and updated the asset score tutorial and credential tutorial
- Supported access to Wing from ONTO and depositing ONT on Wing through ONTO. ONT deposited from ONTO now takes up 55% of the total amount
- New ONTO users increased 3000% from last month’s newcomers

- 82 dApps launched in total on MainNet
- 6,120,263 dApp transactions completed in total on MainNet

Community Growth
- We have onboarded 1,253 new members across Ontology’s global communities, with a noticeable growth in our Vietnamese, Trading, Swedish, and Tagalog communities.

Bounty Program
- We are seeking SDK developers from our community.
- We are collecting suggestions for new bounties.
- 518 applications, 5 new additions to existing bounties.
- 38 tasks, 50 teams in total: 31 teams have finished their tasks and have received rewards in return, while 19 teams are still working on tasks.

Latest Release
- Wing, the first credit-integrated DeFi project based on the Ontology blockchain, has released its first whitepaper.
- Ontology’s digital assets, ONT and ONG, are now both listed on Uniswap, having completed mapping to the Ethereum blockchain platform.
- Ontology continued performance testing with bloXroute, with a focus on BDN performance during periods of slow internet. Ontology improved the speed of block propagation, block recovering speed, and transaction stream speed, and we also announced a partnership with Chainstack.
- Starting from September 8th, ONT can now be deposited in Wing Flash Pool. Flash Pool started releasing WING tokens as incentives for mining in the genesis pool on September 12th. Users can participate in Flash Pool by using Cyano Wallet or ONTO Wallet.
- By September 15th, ONT worth over 100,000,000 USD had been deposited in Wing. The Wing project offers a collateral rate that is significantly lower than similar platforms.
- On September 17th, Wing DAO, the Wing community, initiated its first vote. As a result, the WING reward distribution rate would change to twice, compared with the previous ten times, effective from 00:05, September 18th.
- From September 18th to 29th, through the Flash Pool Mining Celebration, users who deposited their WING in the Wing DAO Supply Pool would receive a ten-fold increase in rewards between September 18th and 24th, and a five-fold increase in rewards between September 25th and 29th.
- On September 20th (UTC), the WING/EWING swap was launched in Flash Pool of Wing, with the aim of increasing the project’s liquidity. Also, multiple swaps were listed on Wing, including ETH/pETH, DAI/pDAI, and WING/pWING.


  • From September 2nd-4th, Ontology co-organized the event ‘Cointelegraph China’s DeFi Marathon’. On September 2nd, Jun LI, Founder of Ontology, addressed the audience during “Ontology: Empowering DeFi with Credit” and joined a panel discussion themed “Public Chain’s Choice amid DeFi Pressure”. He stated, “By empowering DeFi with credit, we are poised to build the next ‘Super-Oracle’”. In addition, during the event, Erick Pinos, Americas Ecosystem Lead, was engaged in a discussion with the lead of Aave, as well as other renowned projects.
  • On September 4th, Jun LI, Founder of Ontology, participated in a live AMA panel hosted by HyperPay on the topic of “Braving the DeFi-spurred Storm: Where Will Public Chains Head”. During the panel discussion, he unveiled Ontology’s blueprint for DeFi, and briefed the community users on the innovative and transformative features of Wing.
  • On September 18th, Jun LI took part in a panel discussion themed “Prospects of Decentralized Finance” at 2020 International Fintech Innovation Conference (IFIC) in Shanghai. During the panel discussion, Li stated that should Ontology wish to stand out in the DeFi industry, while avoiding the transaction-fee issue as faced by Ethereum, it needs to work harder on its strategy to support different fees in scenarios of different technical complexities.
  • On September 3rd, Kendall MAO, Dean of Ontology Institute, discussed the dilemma posed by DeFi to public chains at a SheKnows live panel. The panel was organized by 8BTCnews, along with representatives from Bytom Blockchain. Kendall mentioned, “Wing, Ontology’s latest cross-chain DeFi project, is integrated with the element of credit. We believe that a dynamic integration with the OScore system will create new paradigms for DeFi innovations, thus opening up new opportunities for Ontology.”

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