Ontology Proposes Customized Decentralized Identity System for IoF IEEE Standards

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2019

On March 28th, 2019, the IEEE P2796 Internet of Food (IoF) working groups kick-off meeting was held in Qingdao, China. Ontology was invited to discuss the formulation of IoF IEEE standards. Also in attendance were representatives from the IEEE Standard Association, Haier Group, Senses Global, China Agricultural University, Ocean University of China, and Jiangnan University.

In his speech, Ning Hu, Senior Architecture Expert at Ontology, introduced Ontology’s framework tailored to the IoF.

The IoF connects smart farming, smart food processing and storage, smart agrilogistics, and smart kitchen. An ID system using distributed ledger technology (DLT) for IoF scenarios ensures trust traceability of data. Ontology’s ID and DDXF solutions can realize cross-system data processing and data ownership transmission, thus offering a solution for food processing, logistics, and IoF storage.

Hybrid storage in DLT for IoF scenarios has four advantages: balancing the cost of on-chain and off-chain storage; enabling end users to manage their own data; using cryptography to ensure data privacy and data use on demand; and using data on behalf of data owners. Free flow of data will be available across the whole supply chain from IoT to end users. As a result, different parties along the supply chain will be able to work more closely and efficiently.

IEEE-SA is the world’s largest technical professional association dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Standards span a broad spectrum of areas, including information technology, telecommunications, power, and energy. Currently, IEEE-SA’s strategic partners include many international standards organizations, such as IEC, ISO, and ITC. IEEE has more than 420,000 members in over 160 countries, 20,000 standard developers, 46 technical associations and councils, and sponsors more than 1,900 conferences each year.

IEEE-SA is becoming increasingly essential to industry standards of emerging technologies. IEEE-SA has so far developed over 900 industry standards, including the IEEE 1394 standards and the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN group of standards, with the widely used computer networking standards for both wired (ethernet, aka IEEE 802.3) and wireless (IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16) networks. Some 400 standards are currently in development.

Ontology has previously attended the 2018 IEEE-NIST Global Blockchain Summit and engaged in a discussion on industry standard development. On June 26th, 2018, Ontology became the world’s first public blockchain project to join the IEEE. Now Ontology now brings its technology to the food tracking industry and will help develop the world’s first IoF IEEE standards.

