Ontology Tech Viewpoint | In Web3, the Way of Describing Identity will be Completely Reconstructed!

The Ontology Team
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2022

Recently, the concept of Web3 has become almost ubiquitous, as a variety of organizations have gone out of their way to promote it. When it comes to Web3, we have to talk about DID (decentralized identity). There has been a lot of discussion and analysis about the definition of DID and identity in general, and the techniques involved in establishing on-chain identity, and we don’t do too much more development here. Today, we will show you a different way of describing your identity in terms of identity use.

First, when it comes to identity, we mainly focus on two issues:

·How do you establish or describe your identity?

·How do you prove that the identity that you describe is you?

In the real world and Web2, we describe identity in roughly the same way.

Describing identity in the real world and in Web2

In real life, the way you describe your identity may be to introduce yourself when you meet new people, it may also be a business card, a resume, or a more formal way to show your ID card or passport.

Identity in Web2 is easy to understand, and your google ID, twitter tag, and the KYC that you provide when signing up for an App account are all part of your identity. The way to describe your identity becomes the display page of your account, the self-introduction written on your home page, and so on.

You can see that both in real life and Web2, the way to describe identity is mainly subjective.

For example, when looking for a job, you need to edit a resume that includes your name, age, contact information, and, most importantly, your past experience, learn to “polish” and express selectively, and use data to know you more positively. In addition to authenticity, you also need to “polish,” use selective expression, and use data to make recruiters think more about you.

As a result, recruiters now often need to do background checks on candidates to check the authenticity of their resumes, giving rise to a thriving industry called back-checking.

Whether in real life or in Web2, the same problem exists when describing and proving your identity — when you’re describing yourself, writing a resume, or trying to introduce yourself, you’re trying to figure out how to demonstrate your “best” self; After you describe your identity, others will have to verify your identity through a background check or by looking at supporting documents, adding costs to society and businesses.

But all this will be different in the Web3 era, and the way we describe identity will be completely reconstructed by the advent of decentralized technology.

Describing identity in Web3

Due to the existence of blockchain and the application of the distributed ledger, in Web3, the behaviors of participants will be permanently and truly recorded, whose authenticity cannot be tampered with.

So when looking for a job, you won’t need to write your own resume — your on-chain identity is a trusted collection of past on-chain behavior. Simply by sending a few of your usual decentralized data client addresses to recruiters, they can easily learn about your past on-chain behavior and extrapolate from that to your capabilities and experience.

In recent years, there is a growing trend for blockchain industry applicants who describe their identity in this way, and blockchain enterprise recruitment also prefers such a “resume” — — “when they have their own identity in the most popular platforms and data clients on a blockchain, and they use it frequently, their understanding of the industry will be deeper than the average person”, a blockchain enterprise HR said.

However, at the moment the advantages of this identity description are only known within the industry, and if you want to “get out”, appropriate tools to simplify data analysis are necessary. Below, we list several similar on-chain behavior analysis DApps.

Ape Board

Ape Board is a digital asset display product. If you input the address of the decentralized data client on Ape Board, you can see the past interactions of the address, the digital assets, and even the Profit & Loss.

Investment is one of the best ways to realize personal cognition. Your investment income and the direction of the investment target reflect your personal cognition level of the industry and recent research efforts you have made. Of course, investment returns are influenced by many factors, and more information is needed to understand you more fully.

Cyberconnect HQ

In this project, you can see which NFT the target address holds, which POAP badges it has earned, and which articles it has posted on the Mirror. The accomplishments you have and the opinions you put out will become part of your identity, and people will be able to see you through those things.


Enter the centralized data client address into Degenscore, and Degen will generate a Degenscore based on on-chain behavior. The higher the score, the more involved and experienced you are in the blockchain field.

If you want to show that you are a blockchain industry veteran, your Degenscore will be the best proof, it will be far more persuasive than your subjective statement. People will be able to get a sense of who you are through intuitive scores.


OScore, the Ontology credit scoring system, is an on-chain credit score designed for programmable credit. Through the use of a variety of different on-chain interaction data calculations, it can show the user’s past credit status in the form of a score.

OScore provides a comprehensive picture of a user’s on-chain credit status, and also helps to predict a user’s potential credit risk. OScore analyzes your credit score for all your on-chain behaviors, making on-chain identity descriptions more diverse and rich.

Through the analysis of the above sites, the employer can intuitively understand how much energy and what kind of behavior the candidate has invested in the industry. Words and subjective descriptions can be deceptive, but actions do happen.

Of course, since Web3 is still in its early stage, the on-chain information is mainly the interactive on-chain data, and the on-chain behavior that can be analyzed is not enough. The above way of describing identity can only be limited to the blockchain industry at present.

But as the Web3 infrastructure builds and spreads, it’s reasonable to believe that the future will be an era where everything is connected, where all of your actions will become valuable, and your identity will be aggregated from all of your past on-chain actions.

When introducing yourself, you no longer need to use a resume, all of your past experience will be portrayed and represented by your on-chain behavior, and your identity requester(such as the recruiter) will no longer need to do a background check on you, because the traceability and Immutability of the blockchain is the best endorsement of your identity.

