Ontology Weekly Report (August 29 — September 4, 2023)

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2023

🌟 Highlights

Greetings from Seoul! We are thrilled to be participating in KBW 2023. Dive into what Ontology and its Eco-Projects have been up to this week.

🛠 Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • 🔄 L2 Sequencing Service is nearly there, standing at 98% completion.
  • 💧 ONT Liquid Staking testing is moving swiftly, at 88% completion.
  • 🖥 Frontend development of ONT Liquid Staking is 75% done.
  • 📦 We’ve initiated work on the Ontology batch trading RPC, currently 10% completed.

Product Development

  • 📝 ONTO is hosting a Q&A session in the Telegram group to address all your wallet queries.
  • 📊 ONTO’s Monthly Report for August is now available.
  • 🤝 ONTO has struck a new partnership with Friend3.
  • 🧩 Hosting a MiniPuzzle game on Discord to keep you engaged.
  • 🎥 Rolling out step-by-step video tutorials for mastering wallet operations.

📈 On-Chain Activity

  • 📱 164 total dApps are now live on MainNet.
  • 🛒 7,681,031 total dApp-related transactions, increasing by 2,626 from last week.
  • 💱 18,963,976 total MainNet transactions, up by 8,744 from last week.

👥 Community Growth

  • 🗨 Our Telegram Community Discussion led by Ontology Loyal Members discussed the latest Ontology updates, including Wing and ONTO Wallet.
  • 🐦 We continue to keep our community updated via Twitter and Telegram.

🌏 Global News

  • 🎉 We are at KBW 2023! Come and connect with us.
  • 📚 In this week’s OWN101 series, we delved into ‘Timestamping,’ the key to maintaining chronological order on the blockchain.

📬 Contact Us

Stay tuned for more updates!

