Ontology Weekly Report (July 16th — July 22nd, 2024)

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min read9 hours ago

This week at Ontology was marked by significant developments and updates across our platform, enhancing our community’s experience and advancing our technical capabilities. Here’s a recap of the activities and progress:

Latest Developments

  • Community Update Post-ETHCC: Don’t miss our community update, which is making a return post-ETHCC! Dive into what you might have missed and catch up on all the insightful discussions.
  • MPost’s Hack Seasons Content Available: An episode of our sessions at MPost’s Hack Seasons has been uploaded. Check it out to learn more about our contributions and discussions on decentralized identity.
  • X World Games Giveaway Conclusion: Our exciting giveaway with X World Games has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who participated!
  • Update on Galxe Event with KIMA: We have an important update regarding our event with KIMA on Galxe. Stay tuned for details on what’s next!

Development Progress

  • Go Toolkit Upgrade: We’ve upgraded the Go toolkit for Ontology, enhancing the efficiency and functionality for developers.
  • ONT Leverage Staking Design: Progress in the leverage staking design has reached 65%, bringing us closer to offering more versatile staking options.
  • RPC Port Service Isolation: We’ve successfully fixed the Ontology RPC port service isolation issue, improving security and performance.

Product Development

  • Node Setup on ONTO: You can now set up your own node in ONTO! This new feature allows users to manage their nodes directly within the app, streamlining the process and enhancing user control.

On-Chain Activity

  • Stable dApp Ecosystem: The total number of dApps on our MainNet remains robust at 177.
  • Transaction Growth: This week, we observed an increase of 1,595 dApp-related transactions, totaling 7,776,938. Overall transactions on MainNet grew by 6,662, reaching a total of 19,505,222.

Community Growth

  • Vibrant Community Discussions: Our social platforms, particularly Twitter and Telegram, continue to be hubs of activity, with ongoing discussions about the latest developments. Join us to stay engaged!
  • Telegram Discussion on Interoperable DID Solutions: This week, led by Ontology Loyal Members, we delved into “Exploring Interoperable DID Solutions: Web2, Web3, and Beyond,” discussing how decentralized identities can revolutionize user verification, login mechanisms, and peer interactions.

Stay Connected 📱

Engage with us and stay updated on the latest happenings by following our social media channels. Your participation and feedback are crucial as we continue to advance the blockchain and decentralized identity landscapes.

Ontology website / ONTO website / OWallet (GitHub)

Twitter / Reddit / Facebook / LinkedIn / YouTube / NaverBlog / Forklog

Telegram Announcement / Telegram English / GitHub / Discord

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement. We are excited about the future as we continue to innovate and enhance the Ontology ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates next week!

