Ontology Weekly Report (March 17th–23rd, 2021)

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2021


Another busy but rewarding week at Ontology HQ. This week, we launched the OKT TestNet token campaign on ONTO and ONTO engagement fund joint campaigns. In other exciting news, we announced that Wing Finance will sponsor Chainlink’s price feeds for Ontology-based assets, starting with WING and ONT.

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We have completed 60% of the Ontology EVM-integrated design, which will make Ontology fully compatible with the Ethereum smart contract ecology after completion.
  • We have completed 40% of the research on the latest progress of Layer 2 technology, exploring the integration of Ethereum Layer 2 on Ontology MainNet.

Product Development

  • We have launched the OKT TestNet token campaign on ONTO, which has attracted over 50,000 users.
  • We have also launched the ONTO engagement fund joint campaigns with DeFiner, AntFarm, WePiggy and GAP Cash. This will allow users to receive bonuses rewards once they finish specific tasks.


  • 113 dApps were launched in total on MainNet.
  • 6,471,152 dApp transactions were completed on MainNet.
  • 19,382 dApp-related transactions took place in the past week.

Community Growth

The Ontology community is growing rapidly. This week we onboarded over 1,588 new members across Ontology’s global communities. To keep up with our latest developments and community updates, please feel free to reach out to us on Telegram or follow us on Twitter. As always, we encourage anyone who is interested in Ontology to join us.

Global News

  • Wing Finance sponsors new Chainlink price feeds for Ontology-based assets. The Chainlink-powered oracle networks will maintain on-chain reference contracts that supply the most up-to-date USD price of Wing’s cross-chain assets, starting with WING and ONT.
  • Gloria Wu, Ontology’s Chief of Global Ecosystem Partnerships, attended the first global DID live panel. The panel debated DID’s role in the blockchain age and the future infrastructure.
  • Ontology’s Head of Business & Strategy, Nick Zhang was invited to speak at an OKExChain AMA where he shared his opinion on opportunities available in OKExChain’s development.

In the Media

Check out this interesting article outlining the endless possibilities decentralized reputation offers. These sentiments are strongly in line with Ontology’s mission and goals when it comes to decentralized digital identity and privacy.

Decentralized Reputation is About to Open a New Web3 Frontier: Kevin Owocki

Want more Ontology?

You can find more details on our website for all of our decentralized solutions across identity and data, or keep up with us on Twitter. Our Telegram is for discussion, whereas the Telegram Announcement is designed for news and updates if you missed Twitter!

Other Resources

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