Ontology Weekly Report (November 16–22, 2021)

The Ontology Team
Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2021


The Ontology global community is constantly growing, with membership now close to 110,000. More and more Ontology contributors are working together for the long-term, healthy development of Ontology projects. This week, another Ontology member from the English community became an Ontology Harbinger. We currently have 14 enthusiastic Ontology Harbingers, who come from all over the world and work in different fields. They are active in different language communities of Ontology, including English, Filipino, Hindi, etc. They share their ideas, organize various community activities, and are committed to building a better Ontology ecosystem.

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We have completed the launch of Ontology’s EVM TestNet and are 93% finished with testing. At the same time, a large number of community developers are actively participating in the “Security Vulnerabilities and Threat Intelligence Bounty Program”, launched by Ontology and SlowMist.
  • We have finalized Ethereum RPC support and have fully completed internal testing. The TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 93% done with testing.
  • We have completed 100% of Ontology’s Ethereum account system development and the TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 94% done with testing.
  • The EVM/OEP-4 asset seamless transfer technical solution, which facilitates the efficient conversion between OEP-4 assets and EVM assets, is complete and the TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 95% done with testing.
  • We are 100% done with the survey on the improvement of the decimals of ONT and ONG and we are in the process of internal testing.
  • The ontology-go-sdk and ontology-java-sdk support ONT and ONG decimals updates.
  • We are 10% done with the survey on the RISCV’s simplified instruction set architecture.

Product Development

  • ONTO App v4.1.1 was released, adding support for the Harmony Chain, wallet switching function for dApps supporting multiple chains, and support for configuration of token unit.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with BabySwap, the first 100 participants, and top 20 participants who stake the most will receive the highest tier of rewards. Voting for ONTO in BabySwap also has a chance to get extra rewards. The event is in progress, and will end at 07:59 (Singapore time) on November 27th.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with MCDEX, the first 300 participants will receive rich rewards. The event is in progress, and will end at 17:00 (Singapore time) on November 26th.
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with OCP Finance, the first 150 participants, and top 20 participants who stake the most will receive the highest tier of rewards. Participants who meet certain conditions will have the chance to enter a lottery. The event is in progress, and will end at 17:00 (Singapore time) on November 24th.

On-Chain Activity

  • 121 total dApps on MainNet as of November 22th, 2021.
  • 6,823,269 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 6,162 from last week.
  • 16,733,530 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 26,331 from last week.

Community Growth

  • 1,295 new members joined our global community this week, and Geoff Richards from the English community officially became a Ontology Harbinger. This excellent community member will bring more new energy to our community, and also welcome more new members to join us.
  • Ontology published the next couple of interviews in its Harbinger Series. Geoff Richards from our English community said that compared with other blockchain communities, members of the Ontology community are more willing to help people by sharing their own experiences. The community also attaches great importance to the voice of each member, and can listen to their problems, suggestions and various solutions in time.
  • We held our weekly Discord Community Call, led by Humpty Calderon, our Head of Community. He focused on how decentralized identity empowers the metaverse; The metaverse requires the unity and integrity of our identities. Ontology’s decentralized identity solution can be seamlessly integrated into metaverse games to generate a unified identity based on the user’s behavior, which is convenient for users to use in various games.
  • We held our Telegram weekly Community Call, led by Benny, an Ontology Harbinger from our Asian community. He discussed with community members about Ontology’s Staking strategy and upcoming 4th anniversary NFT event; Community members expressed their great anticipation for this extraordinary commemorative event.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.

Ontology in the Media

Forbes — Crypto Is The Key To The Metaverse

The promise of the metaverse is that it will provide users an augmented reality experience that — in many ways — might exceed physical reality in terms of the experiences and opportunities therein. What is oftentimes missing from the discussions around the potential of the metaverse is how all of this information will be secured and protected. Specifically, if an individual or group of individuals are going to be engaging with other people in a virtual environment there needs to be some form of assurance that these transactions are secure.

Hacks and data breaches occur on a frequent basis, but if people are going to be expected to engage in a wholly online and virtual environment, the underlying platform on which they are going to be using needs to be secure.

After long-term practice, the Ontology Decentralized Identity (DID) solution has been proven to be able to achieve strong privacy protection, and can seamlessly integrate various applications and platforms. This means that applications in the field of Metaverse can make up for their own deficiencies in privacy protection by integrating Ontology DID solutions, and attract more users to join them.

Want more Ontology?

Learn more about our decentralized data and identity solutions on our website and official Twitter account. You can also chat with us on Telegram and keep up-to-date with the latest news via our Telegram Announcement account.

