Ontology Weekly Report (September 1–6, 2021)

The Ontology Team
Published in
5 min readSep 8, 2021


ONT Login, the decentralized identity universal login component based on ONT ID and ONT TAG, the batch verification solution have been officially released, forming a complete Ontology DID product matrix together with the on-chain credit score OScore. Find more details at the newly launched ONT.ID website.

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We have completed the launch of Ontology’s EVM TestNet and are 36% done with testing. Ontology’s security vulnerabilities and threat intelligence bounty program is about to launch.
  • We have completed Ethereum RPC support and are 100% done with internal testing. The TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 30% done with testing.
  • We have completed 100% of Ontology’s new Ethereum account system development, the TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 31% done with testing.
  • The EVM/OEP-4 asset seamless transfer technical solution, which facilitates the efficient conversion between OEP-4 assets and EVM assets, is complete and the TestNet has been synchronized online; we are 28% done with testing.
  • We have completed 70% of the tutorial documents on EVM contract development on the Ontology chain.

Product Development

  • ONTO App v3.9.9 was released, providing full support for EIP-1559, Neo N3 and migration from Neo Legacy to Neo N3.
  • ONTO hosted a liquidity mining campaign with Beefy Finance, a multichain yield optimizer. A total of 156 participants received rewards, which have been distributed through ONTO Anydrop, ONTO’s decentralized airdrop distribution tool.
  • ONTO hosted a NFT competition event with GameDAO, the world’s first NFT encrypted artwork entertainment creation platform. Users who have submitted ONTO, Ontology and GameDao themed NFTs will be voted on and the most popular three will receive rewards.

On-Chain Activity

  • 119 total dApps on MainNet by September 6th, 2021.
  • 6,685,519 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 18,057 from last week.
  • 16,282,192 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 85,090 from last week.

Community Growth

  • Ontology published the sixth interview in its Harbinger interview series. This time, we spoke with Alvin from our Philippines community who shared his experiences as a Harbinger, being able to learn about the latest developments of Ontology and interacting with community members.
  • Ontology Harbinger Emilio from our Spanish community, was invited to join a workshop hosted by Blockchain Summit Global. He shared Ontology’s latest progress and had in-depth exchanges with members of the Spanish community.
  • We held our weekly Discord Community Call, led by Humpty Calderon, our Head of Community. He mentioned that Ontology is committed to bringing trust, privacy, and security to Web 3.0 through decentralized identity and data.
  • We held our new Telegram weekly Community Call for the first time, led by Astro, an Ontology Harbinger from our Asian community. He had a lively discussion with community members, focusing on DID applications, ONTO and Ontology EVM TestNet.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.

Global News

  • ONT Login, the decentralized identity universal login component based on ONT ID and ONT TAG, the batch verification solution have been officially released, forming a complete Ontology DID product matrix together with the on-chain credit score, OScore. The ONT.ID website is now live. This product matrix supports comprehensive DID solutions with easy-to-integrate products, friendly to both dApps and traditional web applications.
  • Ontology partnered with 4EVERLAND to accelerate Web 3.0 adoption. Ontology’s primary website, ont.io, has become fully decentralized using 4EVERLAND’s DWeb hosting services. Decentralization of ont.io will facilitate greater security, transparency, and traceability, whilst further improving data processing.
  • Ontology published its #WEB3 101 Series on domestic and overseas platforms. The thread introduced the decentralized identity solution: ONT ID, OScore, and SAGA, the decentralized data protocol powered by the Ontology blockchain. Ontology provides trust for users with technology, promoting the advent of the Web 3.0 era.

Ontology in the Media

The Machine — How to (re)build trust in Web 3.0

As Web 2.0 mined our interests, activity, and online footprints, a focus on growth over trust opened the door to cybercrime, online harassment, and unconscious bias built into the programming. There is a cyber-attack every 39 seconds, more than 40% of U.S. internet users have reported online harassment, and AI recognizes white-skinned men 34% better than dark-skinned women. So, we simply lose our trust in the web where our data is being breached, our safety is threatened, and the technology discriminates against human beings.

Ontology’s mission is to return control of data and digital identities to the user. In this way, only the user can decide who can access his or her data. This promotes privacy and autonomy, which are severely lacking in the current Web 2.0 era. Ontology’s solution to the Web 2.0 identity problem is ONT ID and OScore. ONT ID is Ontology’s decentralized identity framework that enables users to control their data and decide whether a third-party can access a particular piece of information about them. It protects user privacy and ensures data security, enabling trusted collaboration.

Want more Ontology?

You can find more details on our website for all of our decentralized solutions across identity and data, or keep up with us on Twitter. Our Telegram is for discussion, whereas the Telegram Announcement is designed for news and updates if you missed Twitter!

Other Resources

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