Ontology’s Global University Workshop: 20,000 Reasons to Attend

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2019

As a leader in our field, we understand our responsibility to foster the future of blockchain. Whether infrastructure or education, we want to be instrumental in the growth and development of the industry. That is why we are pleased to announce, on October 19th, the Ontology team will begin our much-awaited Global University Workshop tour. Starting in South Korea, at Seoul National University, the tour is the largest of its kind in the blockchain industry, visiting 81 top universities around the world, in areas such as the U.S.A., Russia, Europe, and Japan.

What is a Global University Workshop?

With our high-performance public blockchain project and distributed collaboration platform, Ontology’s blockchain framework supports public blockchain systems and enables customization of public blockchains for applications. As a for-profit activity, it is important for those interested in application development to understand a variety of topics.

That’s why our Global University Workshops aim to explain the logic behind blockchain, the keys to business application design, and the new opportunities available post-transformation and how to make the best of them. Furthermore, participants will see first-hand how blockchain technology can transform traditional industries, with speeches from our top technology engineers, such as our Senior Architecture Experts, Ning HU and Edmond CONG.

Why should you attend?

In addition to all of the valuable knowledge and experience you will gain throughout the Global Workshop, Ontology is hosting our Klein Bottle Challenge with more than $20,000 in rewards available to each university. Whether you’re new to blockchain or an experienced developer, we want to help you bring your ideas to life on our platform. Take a look below to find out more about the rewards available:

⭐ Nova Rewards:
Up to $20,000 worth of ONG as reward if your project qualifies to go live on Ontology MainNet.

- At least one team member attended the Global University Workshop
- Submit your project within 3 weeks of the workshop you attended

🎇 Comet Rewards:
Incubation Support from Ontology

- Your project shows stable technical performance on Ontology MainNet
- Your project gains a strong following of active users

✨ Satellite Rewards:
Incubation Support + Additional Investment

- Your project shows stable technical performance on Ontology MainNet
- Your project gains a strong following of active users for a period of more than two consecutive months

To find out more about the Klein Bottle Challenge, click here.

What will the workshop include?

The course will consist of both offline and online components:


  1. Final Web
    From the specifics of how blockchain can change business to the nature of business itself, attendees will learn to manage and monetize data using blockchain, as well as the layers within the blockchain stack. By the end of each workshop, students will be able to identify business opportunities and create dApps using blockchain.
  2. Blockchain and its Business Application
    Want to learn the ins and outs of bringing an idea to the market while utilizing blockchain technology? This course will see students learn how to use blockchain solutions and applications to create legitimate businesses, from the basics of choosing a governance model to the final decision of a suitable blockchain to launch from.
  3. An Overview of Ontology
    What would our Global Workshops be without learning about team behind it? This portion of the workshop will give students an in-depth understanding of the Ontology network, from our economy and governance structure to Ontology infrastructure components and our Trust framework.
  4. Migrate to Ontology: Multi-VM for Smart Contracts
    Specifically designed for engineers familiar with smart contract development on blockchains, this course will detail how best to develop on the Ontology network through the use of Virtual Machines.
  5. Develop on Blockchain: ONT ID + DDXF
    Diving more deeply into developer-side topics, this course will give developers easy access to decentralized environments, going through critical preparation guidance, such as how to utilize Ontology SDKs in order to develop using traditional languages like C++, Rust, or Python.

To register for our 1st Global Workshop in Seoul, click here.


To find out more about the online aspect, click here.

With our first Global Workshop fast approaching, you still have time to get involved with one of the many dates available through one of the options below:

  • To register for the Korean stop, click here.
  • To find out more information, please visit https://ont.io/.
  • Interested in hosting a workshop at your university? Want to give us feedback? Please contact us via: contact@ont.io

