Ontology’s proposal to the WEF and WHO to set up Bespoke Donation dApp for COVID-19 Response Fund

The Ontology Team
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2020

Recently, a number of Ontology team members attended the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) Virtual Roundtable, which took place on Monday, April 6th. The event aimed to give developers an opportunity to interact with regulators and policymakers and establish ways in which blockchain technology can be used to tackle current global challenges. Ontology contributed to the meeting along with other leading platforms such as Accenture, ComGo, Consensys France, Helix, and Recheck.

With a view to broadening contributory avenues for the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, Ontology presented a proposal to set up an Ontology official dApp for crypto donation to help collect donations made in crypto, while utilizing Ontology’s blockchain to record transactions safely and securely. As part of the proposal, Ontology’s partnership with Noumena would also be leveraged to create a bespoke VISA-like INATBA Charity Card to help convert collated crypto into fiat in real-time, before being donated to the official WEF/WHO account.

Commenting on the proposal, Ontology Co-founder Andy Ji said, “This week the INATBA Roundtable played host to a very timely discussion around the significant role blockchain can play in addressing some of the societal challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an honor to present our official dApp for donation campaign proposal, demonstrating how the strength and depth of the Ontology network can be harnessed to expand donation streams for the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. We look forward to furthering engagement with INATBA going forward, and are unwavering in our commitment to providing the tools and resources to raise much-needed funds to help individuals impacted by COVID-19.”

The INATBA symbolizes a confluence of representatives across a range of verticals, including industry officials, SMEs, policymakers, and regulators. The mission of the Group is to accelerate the cross-sectoral deployment of blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and to champion efforts to promote an open, transparent, and inclusive global governance model for blockchain and DLT.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us via contact@ont.io.

