Seedit is now on Ontology

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2019
Seedit live on Ontology

Sesameseed recently announced it is creating a crosschain community and has started to operate a node on the Ontology blockchain. This created an opportunity to expand the utility of the popular cryptocurrency trading bot, Seedit. In association with Rovak, Sesameseed is pleased to announce that Ontology tokens (ONT and ONG) can now be tipped on Telegram using Seedit. The bot will automatically generate an Ontology wallet for new and existing users. Currently, the airdrop and trade functions are only available for TRON tokens.

As well, many new TRON tokens have now been whitelisted, and the official list can be viewed here. If you created a token that you would like to see listed, please contact an admin in the Seedit Support channel on Telegram. Subscribe to Sesameseed Announcements channel for further updates.


Tipping: This expansion of the Sesameseed community will bring in many new members who have never before used a tipping bot. To make that transition easier, Sesameseed has temporarily suspended fees for tipping Tron or Ontology tokens. While Seedit will not be charging a fee, the transfer fees required by the associated blockchain (bandwidth for TRON and ONG for Ontology) still apply.

Therefore, you must have at least 0.1 TRX and/or 0.01 ONG balance in your Seedit wallet to tip on both chains, respectively.

Airdrop and Trade: This feature is currently only available for Tron tokens — Normal rates apply.

A fee of 0.05 TRX per recipient of airdrop, and 0.5 TRX per trade.

How to use the Seedit Bot on Telegram

On Telegram, reply to a comment of the person you would like to tip.

In that reply type: /tip <amount> <token name> <blockchain>

Example: /tip 5 SEED would send 5 SEED tokens on the TRON blockchain

Example: /tip 5 SEED ont would send 5 SEED tokens on the Ontology blockchain

Example: /tip 3 ONT ont would send 3 ONT tokens on the Ontology blockchain

Example: /tip 5 would send 5 TRX

Example: /tip 5 SEED would send 5 SEED tokens on the TRON blockchain

Example: /tip 5 ONT would not send any tokens as there is no ONT token on whitelist for TRON

Note: If no blockchain is specified in the tip, currently Seedit is set to default to TRON.

How to use Seedit to tip Ontology tokens on Telegram

For users who may be unfamiliar with Seedit, please visit its website.

*Additional features are under development. Please subscribe to the Sesameseed Announcements channel for further updates.

To learn more about Sesameseed visit our website. You may also connect with us on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Medium.

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