Starting Now: Ontology Genesis NFT Medal Campaigns

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2020


The Ontology official wallet ONTO now officially supports non-fungible tokens (NFT) from March 5th, 2020, providing more effective and convenient asset management services for global users, which further deepens the layout of the digital assets.

To celebrate the new milestone of ONTO supporting NFT assets and providing convenient NFT management experience, the Ontology Foundation will host a series of Ontology Genesis NFT Medal Campaigns including design competition and lucky draws which will be open to the whole Ontology community.

Best NFT designs will not only earn rewards for the design itself but also a share of the campaign income. What’s more exciting is that if your design is selected as one of the best designs, it will be converted into limited edition NFTs, used and collected by all Ontology community users on ONTO.

Which is the best design style for the first set of Ontology medals? What message should it deliver? We know that our community knows the best answer. Follow the below rules and earn rich rewards!

Phase I: Ontology Genesis Medal Design Competition

The Ontology Genesis Medals are Non-Fungible Tokens (OEP-5), designed and selected by the Ontology global community. The Ontology Team will convert best community designs into 4 limited editions and 1 unlimited edition NFT token: Genesis 1 (x1), Genesis 2 (x5), Genesis 3 (x20), Genesis 4 (x10,000), and Genesis 5 (unlimited).


  1. Submit your design from March 20 to 27, 2020 (UTC) via THIS FORM.
  2. The Ontology team will select 20 to 30 excellent designs in the initial round of screening to be voted by the community.
  3. The community vote will be open from March 27 to 29, 2020 (UTC) to select the best designs. (A link will be added on March 27th.)

Please note: We will disqualify any candidates we believe to be involved in voting manipulation.

Selection Criteria:

  • Ontology-related original design, PNG format, size 150*150
  • No limits on design style but needs to show Ontology’s characteristics.
  • Positive sticker content, no inappropriate language, violence, or pornography.
  • Creative, identifiable and a good demonstration of Ontology branding image, blockchain, the value of trust.
  • A brief explanation of the design concept to help the community understand and vote.
  • There is no limit to the number of designs you submit, however, a maximum of three designs from the same device and ONT ID can enter the community vote session.


In the initial round of screening, 20–30 excellent designs will be shortlisted and enter the community voting session.

The top 20 entries will be rewarded with ONT and a share of the campaign income:

  • 1st Place: Exclusive 10% of the campaign income + 100 ONT rewards for design
  • 2nd — 5th Place: Share 30% of the campaign income + 50 ONT rewards for design
  • 6th — 10th Place: Share 30% of the campaign income + 50 ONT rewards for design
  • 11th — 20th Place: Share 30% of the campaign income + 20 ONT rewards for design

Please note: The campaign income comes from the transaction fee of each lucky draw, which costs 1 ONG each time.

Phase II: Ontology Genesis Medal Lucky Draws


From March 29 to April 11


  • Each ONT ID digital wallet address is eligible for 3 lucky draws.
  • Each lucky draw will cost 1 ONG.
  • You can find your medals by checking Wallet — Collectibles on your ONTO after successful draws.
  • The more limited the medal, the lower the probability of successfully drawing it.
  • During the campaign, all ONT ID users can earn 2 extra draws if you transfer your ETH collectibles or ONT collectibles to ONTO.

How to redeem ONT back with your Medal?


First, check if you have one of our Genesis 1, Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 medals.

Second, transfer the above medals to the below smart contract address (ASyPjn3xyGPMhHZqszd1aziAmU7b4859Nz) and automatically redeem ONT.


The ONT amount to be redeemed will increase in proportion each year.

  • Each Genesis 1 medal can redeem 100 ONT back in 2020, with an annual increase of 25%. No upper limits.
  • Each Genesis 2 medal can redeem 10 ONT back in 2020, with an annual increase of 10%. No upper limits.
  • Each Genesis 3 medal can redeem 3 ONT back in 2020, with an annual increase of 5%. No upper limits.

For instance, you can redeem your Genesis 1 medal in 2020 for 100 ONT, or instead, redeem it for 125 ONT in 2021, and 157 ONT in 2022.

The Ontology Team will reserve the right of final interpretation of the Genesis Medal Campaigns.

Other things you should know…

During the campaign, if no user takes a lucky draw within a consecutive 48 hours, if the unique Genesis 1 medal is still available at that time, it will then be automatically distributed to the last address that has successfully participated in the lucky draw before the 48 hours start.

If the unique Genesis 1 medal has not been claimed by any user by the time the campaign ends, it will be sent directly to the last address that has successfully participated in the lucky draw before the end of the campaign.

If x amount of Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 4 and Genesis 5 medals are not claimed by any user by the time the campaign ends, the remaining amount x will be destructed.

