Unlocking Community Rewards

A Guide to Minting Your Ontology Guild Pin and Earning an Exclusive NFT

The Ontology Team
2 min readJan 23, 2024



Exciting times are ahead for the Ontology community! With the launch of the Ontology Guild Pin, members have a unique opportunity to showcase their involvement and earn exclusive rewards. This guide will walk you through how to mint your Guild Pin, qualify for the Ontology Collaborate NFT airdrop, and manage your ONG assets efficiently.

Step 1: Understanding the Ontology Guild Pin

The Ontology Guild Pin is a digital badge in the form of an NFT, symbolizing your membership and active participation in the Ontology community. It’s not just a token of identity but also a gateway to exclusive content and events.

Step 2: Requirements for Minting

To mint your Ontology Guild Pin, you’ll need at least 10 ONG in your wallet, plus a small amount of ONG to cover the GAS fees on the Ontology EVM.

Step 3: Bridging ONG to Ontology EVM

If your ONG is on the Ontology MainNet, you’ll need to bridge it to the Ontology EVM. Here’s how:

  1. Access the Ontology Bridge: Visit Ontology Bridge and connect your wallet.
  2. Bridge Your ONG: Follow the steps outlined in this detailed guide: How to Use the Ontology Bridge.
  3. Confirm the Transaction: Once bridged, the ONG will appear in your wallet on the Ontology EVM.

Step 4: Minting Your Guild Pin

  1. Connect to Guild.xyz: Visit Guild.xyz and connect your Ethereum wallet on the Ontology EVM chain.
  2. Complete Qualification Steps: Ensure you meet the necessary criteria for minting the pin.
  3. Mint Your Pin: Follow the on-screen instructions to mint your Ontology Guild Pin.

Step 5: Qualifying for the Ontology Collaborate NFT Airdrop

By minting your pin, you automatically become eligible for the Ontology Collaborate NFT airdrop. Note that this is exclusive to the first 500 minters.


Minting your Ontology Guild Pin is a simple yet significant step in deepening your engagement with the Ontology community. Not only does it enhance your digital identity, but it also opens up a world of opportunities, including the chance to earn an exclusive NFT. So, get your ONG ready, mint your pin, and become part of this exciting journey!

