Wilfried DurandWe received 20,000 $ from Google to Scale Up.We have great news, Onvey is granted access to the Google Cloud Platform for Startups Spark Package program. This means Google is offering…Sep 14, 20171Sep 14, 20171
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Maxime UrienPsychology of Choice applied to Web & App Design: Convince Clients!Know these principles of the Psychology of Choice to be more convincing with Clients, and optimize your design workflow.Jun 6, 2017Jun 6, 2017
Maxime UrienBrands: Joining Battle For Customers’ Hearts, Not Just PocketsCustomers are not just BUYING from a Brand. They seek whom they want to SUPPORT.May 9, 2017May 9, 2017
Maxime UrienThe Buyer Journey: Nothing More Than a Series of Questions To AnswerValuing customers and optimizing the performance of the e-commerce buyer journey by adopting the right mindset and simple proven techniques…Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
Maxime UrienA Simple UX Process To Deliver And Maintain Better UXA simple UX process, applicable to every online Product Strategy and relying on 3 elementary components: Value, Simplicity and Dynamism.Apr 18, 2017Apr 18, 2017
Maxime UrienWhen is it okay not to care about Customer Experience?How your promise and the customer effort to adopt your service influence customer expectations? When is Customer Experience only secondary?Apr 11, 2017Apr 11, 2017
Maxime UrienRating A Design When You have No Design SkillsA simple checklist to rate a design for non-designers and tips to phrase your design review in a fair, constructive and persuasive way.Apr 4, 2017Apr 4, 2017
Maxime UrienYour Brand (Recognition) Can’t Be Perfect, But The Experience You Deliver CanCustomer Experience is ‘secret ingredient’ which can help you build remarkable brand recognition over time.Mar 14, 2017Mar 14, 2017