Becky Gripp
Onward Financial
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2019


How Much is Enough?

It is way too easy to compare ourselves to those around us. We know we shouldn’t compare our lives to others but it is so easy to get caught up in who has what if it seems like everyone else is into it, much of this is probably a byproduct of social media. If your friends have an iPhone, you may find yourself wanting one. Or if others wear a certain name brand clothing, you may want some as well.

Try to make a conscious effort to not care about what others own and do. Instead, focus on your goals and your needs. What you want or need to own shouldn’t be defined by what other people have; it should be based on what you want to do and what makes you happy.

Ask yourself questions like these:

· If I have five more pairs of shoes, will that be Enough?

· If I have the complete collection of Game of Thrones, will that be Enough?

· If I have three more team jerseys, will that be Enough?

So how much is Enough?

Only you can answer that question and the answer may change overtime. Spend some time considering when enough is enough, otherwise you may be tempted to buy what your friends and other acquaintances are buying.

The great thing about deciding you have enough in your life right now, is that this also helps you have enough in the future. If you don’t need to spend your money to buy things (because you don’t truly want them), you can use your cash for saving and investing. That money will be there to assure you have enough when you’re older too. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter how much you earn or what you have; there’s always someone who will havemore. The Jones’ will always be one step ahead.

