ONZ Newsletter — June 2018

ONZ Coin
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2018

ONZ Space Pre-Registration

ONZ hasn’t been sleeping, spacing, or negating the core fundamentals behind the most significant social media integrations. Intelligence takes time and for those that have waited; ONZ Space has launched the pre-registration phase on May 21st, 2018.

Onz Space is the new platform for Onz Coin expected to launch within the next 2 months. Right now there is an invite giveaway where when you sign-up using the following link you will receive some free Onz coins and sharing the link will allow you to receive additional Onz by sharing your unique code.


Upon pre-registering, you will be first in line to view the brand new ONZ Space platform, which will guarantee you free ONZ Coins when the platform goes live later in 2018 and give you the opportunity to provide us with your feedback. Pre-registrants will receive a referral link to send to others so they can participate as well and receive some Onz for each user they bring to Onz Space!

ONZ Space anticipates launching the beta version in just a couple months!

Anyone who is interested in signing up for the pre-registration will be able to go to OnzSpace.com and then follow the simple and easy steps displayed on the screen to get set up.

Onz Space will soon be available to join here:


ONZ Net Upgrade

ONZ Net is experiencing an upgrade to incorporate a more stable blockchain and to allow for full integration of Onz Space. This software has been running and being tested on TESTNET since May and with a tentative schedule of being applied to MAINNET in June 2018.

Community Developments And Resources

ONZ Community Developer tool_462 has recently released a Telegram based server monitoring tool for everyone running Onz nodes to use. They are also developing a mobile wallet to be functional on both Android and iPhone platforms. The Android wallet release date is scheduled for the end of June 2018 with the iPhone wallet hopefully arriving after at a later date.

The server monitoring tool location is here:


Team member BlueDragon has released an Awesome List for Onz Coin with many useful resources and links listed:


If you’re a blog or website owner BlueDragon has also uploaded a brand new Press Kit for the community and promotional usage with a vector logo and rendered images in various resolutions and formats:


ONZ GitHub Reward Scheme is now also open to everyone interested. We want to encourage community members who have the technical skills to make the ONZ platform better, and anyone who can successfully close an ONZ GitHub issue or develop useful tools for our community to use will earn a certain amount of ONZ coin as a reward.

Fluid Concepts

In addition to the original DPoS model outlined in the white paper, ONZ is now studying a brand new model which if implemented could potentially benefit the platform in many ways not previously included in the original plans which shows that ONZ is a very fluid concept and will be able to utilize resources to progress in a very rapidly changing environment. The community should be able to expect another update on the research during quarter 3 of this year.

Discord Updates

The development of ONZ Space has not been the only progress in production. The Discord channel has been progressing nicely as well. We are happy to announce the progression with our Discord wallet which incorporates the !rain command, !tip control and a !flip game. With the rain bot, it allows you to send a custom amount of ONZ to as many members as you choose. The tip bot lets you tip other members for content you like, questions answered, or just because you want to. The staff will also send out free ONZ as well! The flip game will let you call heads or tails and place a wager to be able to win, or lose, a set amount of ONZ Coin set by the user. Get your “tail” over to our Discord channel and start playing today!

With Discord being our leading platform for conversation, we have also incorporated more all-in-one tools for the community. You can find trading analysis reports, walls set for coins, news, and more all within our channel.

As a review, the Invite Campaign on Discord is complete. We have acquired an additional 800 community members totaling 50,000 free ONZ to be given away! If you have still not received your bounty, contact Kumunicate on Discord, and he will be more than happy to credit your wallet!

You can view the winners on Reddit:


Even if you missed the competition and hadn’t already done so, then please join our Discord, say hello and get involved with the community discussions:


Reddit Updates

The Onz Reddit received a fresh new theme and sidebar content before Reddit changed it’s style globally across the site. You’re now forced to view the new platform by default; however, you can replace the “www” part of any Reddit URL with “old” to see the older themes and “new” to force the newer themes.

On the new version of the Reddit, there is now top bar drop-down menus with some useful links. Make sure to check out our Reddit community and subscribe if you haven’t already, post any new Onz related articles you find online and support us with upvotes if you like what you see:


A new subreddit for Onz delegates is now active where you can discuss forging related topics and also advertise (Following the rules) for voters:


Exchange Listing

ONZ is proud of yet another exchange. Bitebtc.com has added ONZ bringing the total of popular trading platforms to five! Bitebtc.com is API functional, SWIFT wire transfer capable, fully compliant with KYC (Know Your Customer), and an extremely powerful trading deck! With ONZ gaining trading volume, continuing development, and growing the community; we expect ONZ to be a top 100 coin with support from the entire social media and cryptocurrency platform!


OctaEx exchange also gave Onz Coin an extra Litecoin (LTC) trading pair which brings us to a total of 3 available pairs now with Bitcoin and Ethereum trading also:




Cheddur Mobile App

Onz Coin is now a proud addition to the Cheddur app which is available for Android and iOS which lets you monitor the price change across supported exchanges and services for multiple coins.


Screenshots of Onz supported in the Cheddur app:

For all news that you have missed, visit our Medium or Steemit accounts to get yourself up to date!



Now for the moment, you have all been waiting on! A tentative roadmap here.

May 21st — ONZ Space Pre-Registration

Late June — ONZ Net moves to MAINNET

Late June — ONZ Android wallet released

3rd Quarter — ONZ Space Beta Release

3rd Quarter — Website Rebranding

3rd Quarter — Review and updated Roadmap

3rd Quarter — New ONZ concept research revealed

4th Quarter — ONZ Space goes live to pre-registrants

Additional plans may make their way into this sneak peek for the rest of the year. Stay relevant, stay informed, stay social!

ONZ Team


