Fågeltorn 0.9km, 15 min away from Umeå

Place: Umeälvens Delta

2 min readMar 8, 2020


The hiking trail is lined with wood. (Photo by Dolores, March 7th, 2020)
Entrance to the park (left)is near the parking lot (Google maps: 15 min from Umeå), photo by Dolores

Fågeltorn is 900 m long from the parking lot to the birds watching tower. Easy to walk because you do not step on the ground; all path is lined with wood. On the way, you have two toilets (at the entrance and near the tower), one table for the picnic at the end of the trail but no fireplace.

During winter, you can reach other trails walking on the ice, or go skiing on the river.

Naturkartan.se screenshot of the trail from the parking lot to the tower

The birds-watching season

is April and May: waders, ducks, swans, common snipes, common rosefinch, sedge warbler, reed bunting will be back resting and breeding.

How to get here?

Getting by car takes 13 min from the University, by bike — 34 min.

Links: The parking lot coordinates from Google. Trail map from Naturkartan.se.

The parking lot at the entrance is small, but the road is cleared from snow to get here.


You will find at the entrance

Open the photo in the new window to read the text. Photo by Dolores

Half-way to the tower:

400 m from the beginning of the trail, photo by Dolores

Finally, the tower:

The tower for birds-watching, photo by Dolores
Inside the tower, photo by Dolores
The frozen river for walking to other trails or skiing, photo by Dolores
photo by Dolores

Thank you for reading!

Zoomed map of the area

