Sizzling Summer

Sizzling Sounds of Summer Contest

Echoes of the Season: Where Words Cha-Ching!

Gael MacLean
1 min readAug 3, 2024


Mixed media of sizzling sounds, birds, insects and gold coins.
It’s the sound of creativity calling! Author created in Midjourney.

Bzz! Hear that? It’s the sound of creativity calling! Dive into the Sizzling Sounds of Summer Challenge and let your imagination crackle and pop.

With a $25 cash prize up for grabs, it’s time to sizzle and sparkle with your best onomatopoeia. Paint a vivid soundscape in 8 or more lines, capturing the essence of summer in words that boom, whisper, and everything in between.

This device can be used in:

  1. Poetry: It’s often used to create vivid imagery and sound effects.
  2. Prose: Novels and short stories may use onomatopoeia for descriptive purposes.
  3. Comic books: Sound effects are frequently represented using onomatopoeia.

Don’t let this opportunity whoosh by — submit your entry before August 31 and make your literary mark with a bang!

Add Sizzling Summer in the kicker.

Invite your sizzzzzzling friends!

Put your name in the comments to be added as a writer.

Sign up to be a writer in Parallax Visions, a new contest coming soon.



Gael MacLean

Award-winning creator bringing a fearless approach to exploring new creative worlds across multiple disciplines. Portfolio -