Member-only story
Word Play, Typos, and Literary Devices
Stream of Consciousness Collides into Onomatopoeia and Gives Birth to Anecdotes
SOCOA, an Acronym I Just Maid Up
I love ping pong, the only racket game that tells it like it is, except for squash . . . and smash ball. Play it on la playa every day in May while udders are out in the water, paddling. Paddle ball is fun, too, if you’re solo and can count. Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht . . .Eins, zwei, drei . . .
Pickle ball is just dum-dum. That’s why you only see elder people playing it. I mean how hard can it be to hit a pickle over a net on a court half the size of a tennis court? [Note to self: Run this by Roger Federer]
In squash, there is more running and slamming into walls. Kapow! Hitting the weight of the squash is a good shoulder work-out, but you don’t often get past the serve, and that wall can get a bit yicky and slippy.
One day, CD Richardson was the only brave sole to flip flop out to Tahoe and splash in the water cooler with Loch Nessie and Tahoe Tessie.