Forgive yourself, Mom.

Oohlala Mandy
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2019

Forgive yourself. That’s easier said than done. It’s easier written than spoken. Forgiving yourself takes time. You must process what it is you need to forgive, look at what brought you to this place and be determined to move on and learn from it. Everything in life is not a mistake, some of those mistakes turned out to be incredible lessons.

I forgive myself for not loving myself enough to walk away when I was being disrespected and taken for granted. I forgive myself for allowing people to rewrite my truth. I forgive myself for losing my identity in Christ. I forgive myself for not being obedient to God.

“I forgive myself for allowing people to rewrite my truth.”

2019 has been the year of release for me. I have let go of friendships, relationships, old character traits, and old mindsets.

I’m giving myself grace.

I’m giving myself a voice.

I’m giving myself a chance to be authentic to who God called me to be.

With love,

Amanda Wilson



Oohlala Mandy

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