Crafting Highly Maintainable Systems: Challenges, Anti-Patterns and Pitfalls — Part 2

1. Introduction: The Imperative of Maintainability in Modern Systems

Sameer Paradkar
Published in
9 min readJan 28, 2024


In the first part of our exploration into maintainable systems, we established a foundational understanding of what maintainability means in the context of modern system design. We discussed various aspects of maintainability, such as code simplicity, modularity, and documentation. The focus was on grasping the essential principles and components that contribute to a system’s maintainability, including clean code practices, modular architecture, and comprehensive documentation. Additionally, we emphasized the importance of maintainability from a business perspective, highlighting its impact on long-term system viability, ease of updates, and overall efficiency in an evolving digital environment.

Complexities in Maintainable System Design: As we venture into the second part of this paper, our attention turns to the more subtle yet crucial aspects of maintainable system design. Crafting systems that are not only maintainable but also efficient, robust, and adaptable poses a set of intricate challenges. This part will delve into the interactions between maintainability and other vital system attributes such as performance, security, and scalability.

We will explore the trade-offs that often emerge when prioritizing maintainability. For example, a system designed for ease of maintenance might require more…



Sameer Paradkar

An accomplished software architect specializing in IT modernization, I focus on delivering value while judiciously managing innovation, costs and risks.