What do we want #Oorfuture to look like?

This spring, we will vote for fairer opportunities for all: for health, for nature and our climate. We will vote for #Oorfuture.



We know that we are in the middle of a climate and nature emergency and that we need to act. The world has seen that we can take strong and decisive action to protect our health and our future- all it takes is the determination and will of our leaders. When Scotland votes this spring, we need to choose candidates who understand and are committed to taking urgent action to address the nature and climate crisis.

Let’s use #Oorfootprint to show that we are walking together. When we crunch in our boots in the natural forests of Scotland, wander through our historic and vibrant cities, wade in the bogs in our wellies and feel the sands of our shores under our feet, we are showing how we are connected to this planet and to each other.

How can you get involved?

You can support the #Oorfootprint campaign by taking the following steps:

  • Take a photo, paint a picture, make a mould or write something on your shoes that represents your footprint.
  • Post to social media using the hashtag #Oorfuture or #Oorfootprint
  • Tag anyone! Candidates, parties, friends, family, businesses and challenge them!
  • Tag us or tag another organisation that you want to see get involved
  • Use your footprint emoji! Add them in their status after taking action? 🐾👣
  • Write something! In the comments of your post, in the mud or sand at your feet, or on a piece of paper in your photo or video. What can the newly elected Scottish Government do for nature, for the climate, for our health, education and food systems, for young people?

The #Oorfootprint campaign is a partnership between the WWF Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust, the Scottish Environment Link, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, the Scottish Food Coalition, the Woodland Trust Scotland and RSPB Scotland.

