Oort Digital | ChainBoost Post-IDO Announcement

Sharon S
Oort Digital
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2022


Dear Oort Citizens,

With overwhelming support from both ChainBoost and the Oort community, Oort Digital is proud to announce that we have successfully closed our Private IDO ($200K) in just a few hours after it went live.

Due to the extreme oversubscription, many people are not able to participate. If you didn’t get a chance to participate in the private round, please stay tuned to our social channels for the announcement about the upcoming Public IDO, which will be available without KYC.

We will also whitelist the most active community members and contributors (Gen 0 Hero owners, qualified ambassadors, moderators, etc.) for the Public IDO.

A few big things are upcoming very soon:

  1. Whitelist Lottery
  2. Public IDO + Whitelisted IDO
  3. OortHeroes RPG Battle V1.1 community beta testing (with rewards!).
  4. INO (Initial NFT Offering) for Battle Orcs Genesis
  5. Token Generation Event + Token Listing(s)
  6. Official RPG game launch
  7. V3 NFT leasing with zero-collateral feature + BSC support besides Polygon.
  8. (Very exciting) Partnership announcements!

To keep up-to-date with Oort Digital and our upcoming announcements and projects, make sure to follow our socials:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oortdigital
Official Website: https://oort.digital
Discord: https://discord.link/oortdigital
Telegram Group: https://t.me/oortdigital

Leasing APP (on Polygon): https://app.oort.digital/leasing

Hero NFTs Marketplace: https://opensea.io/collection/oort-heroes

