Introducing Ooze Finance

Ooze Finance
2 min readMar 29, 2022


You sit in your office, in front of your computer, cursor blinking, and stare out of the window. The pastrami sandwich you bought for lunch from the corner deli was $15 today. (Inflation, apparently.) And the boss just told you no raises this year. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot something… out of place. A dark-robed figure approaches the manhole cover in the middle of the street, pries it open with some kind of long knife, and climbs down. Just before he vanishes, he turns and unmistakably meets your gaze. He beckons. You swear his eyes glow green before he vanishes into the manhole.

Deep in the sewers under your city with its expensive sandwiches and unending day jobs, the tired and downtrodden have found OOZE — a mysterious, replenishing substance with transformative power and the foundation of an entirely new economy. OOZE is a deflationary, sustainable, and even transferable investment with a consistent, compoundable, and even upgradable daily 1% return.

Come be a disciple of the Order of SLIME and build your own monastery for greater rewards. Or join the BioPunks, be part of the machine known as Auto-OOZE, and let it auto-compound your rewards for a hands-free investment experience.

Ooze is coming soon to the Fantom Network. Stay tuned as we reveal in upcoming posts what makes Ooze different from the rest and the perfect place to grow your capital to be able to afford some extra pastrami on that expensive sandwich.

