OOZE Finance: NFTs pre-minted! On to launch!

Ooze Finance
4 min readJun 2, 2022


NFT Premint

Hi everyone!
It’s been so great seeing the excitement and buzz around the NFTs pre-minting! Please do keep sharing your NFTs around and letting people know about us, and sharing your referral IDs. Write medium articles, make YouTube videos, tweet, and share in the other crypto communities you’re apart of! A top tip that if you click on your NFT’s picture in the info section on the website, it copies the image URL which you can then use to share around.

Here are just a few of the 455 (!) NFT’s you’ve all minted so far.

If you haven’t pre-minted your NFT yet and you got into the private or public presales, you can do so by going to https://dapp.ooze.finance/premint. Make sure to enter in a referral address for a guru! If you don’t have one, there are plenty of teams that would love to have you over at the Order of Slime HQ.

By the way, if you’re interested, you can find out the rarity of various traits on your NFT!

1) Go to the very bottom of your NFT, and you’ll see an 0x. Click that to reveal your mint number in decimal.

2) Replace NUMBER in the following URL with your mint number:

Boom! Now you can see percentages for each attribute of your NFT!

Launch Date

I’m excited to announce that our launch date will be Tuesday, June 21st!

On this date, you’ll be able to enter your NFT into the Sewer to start earning daily passive-income on it immediately. You’ll also be able to buy and sell OOZE at the Manhole on our website, and deposit that OOZE into the Sewer to mint fresh NFTs! At this time, you’ll also need to use USDC to buy and mint SLIME LP in the Swamp contract in order to earn team rewards or get extra XP to upgrade your NFTs.

Our launch date is based on the following:
* We have heard from our auditors that the audits on our non-upgradeable contracts will be back to us on June 6th. We will then need to respond to any findings they may have, before performing large amounts of testing on our contracts and our UI. Therefore, releasing that week would not be viable, and we don’t want to launch on a weekend. Even the few small bugs that were found in our UI from the pre-minting were frustrating for you, our community, and we want to ensure we have not only no major issues, but no minor ones.
* We would like to spread our marketing over more time in order to continue letting folks know about OOZE Finance. More time means more time for AMA’s, YouTube videos, ad-spend, and most importantly, you all to get the word out about us.
* We plain simply don’t want to rush this. Launch is important, the trust you’ve placed in us is important, and we want to get this right for you.

We will announce an exact time on the 21st closer to the date.

Edit: If you’ve read this earlier, you’ll notice that we’ve pushed back the date from the 16th to the 21st. This is to get some extra time testing to make things extra solid for launch.

Hope you’re excited! Get the word out there! Let’s make defi fun again!

