OOZE: Maximizing your Xtra Potential

Ooze Finance
3 min readApr 6, 2022


The BioPunk

OOZERS, I really hope you enjoyed our AMA yesterday. I know I enjoyed talking about our exciting upcoming project.

Today I wanted to let you in on another of our innovations to the passive income space- the gamified ability to grow the impact of your passive-income by contributing positively to OOZE.

By default when you deposit your investment and mint your NFT, you’ll be earning 1% daily ROI on your investment, with the ability to grow it via compounding and teambuilding rewards up to 8x your deposit. For example, if you deposit 100 OOZE into the Sewer contract, you’ll be able to grow that deposit up to 800 OOZE (and then claim up to 365% of that over the course of the next 365 days). We place these limits for sustainability. We want to give you an amazing return on your investment. But we don’t want to enable people to grow (almost) indefinitely, draining the system and disincentivizing new investors from joining.

However, we know that some people benefit the project more than others, bringing in new capital via teambuilding, compounding more than they claim, airdropping those on their team and contributing to OOZE’s liquidity. And so we want to reward them even more. And we do this with XP points, or Xtra Potential.

You can earn XP in the system with the following actions:

  • Whenever you compound your daily ROI- this benefits the system by adding time before you reap your rewards. Without the value of time, OOZE would not function.
  • When you purchase and stake SLIME liquidity in the Swamp contract- this benefits others by making the price more stable to sells, as well as adding locked liquidity through the taxes on entering and exiting the Swamp contract (see details in upcoming whitepaper)
  • When, as a member of Order of SLIME, you recruit a new disciple to OOZE (or one of your disciples does), as long as you have the required SLIME liquidity for that level of disciple rewards. This benefits the contract by adding new capital to it.
  • When, as a member of Order of SLIME, you airdrop one of your disciples. This benefits the system because in order to airdrop, you must purchase or claim OOZE and send it back into the system, sending taxes to the contract balance. It also incentivizes generosity, which helps others be generous as well.

So what do you do with that shiny new XP? You can allocate your XP towards your NFT character’s:

  • Strength: Increase your maximum deposit growth from 8x up to 12x. And this doesn’t represent just another 4x (which is crazy in and of itself), but another 14.6x due to being able to claim up to 365% of your deposit.
  • Speed: Increasing your daily ROI from 1% daily up to 2% daily. Pull out a compound calculator and check out how much faster you can max your wallet out with that.
  • Stealth: Increase your tax kickback from the dev wallet for taxes from 25% up to 75%- especially powerful for BioPunks in auto-ooze who hit the dev wallet with every compound.

What will be your strategy? Will you go for the long-term benefit and increase your strength? Or increase your speed to max out faster? Or a bit of both? It will be challenging to grow your character in this way, but by doing so you will truly gain the best rewards. And remember that because your deposit is tied to an NFT, an upgraded NFT holds even more value for those wishing to spend their way into passive income.

And for all you number-heads already trying to think of how to game this system, we’ve thought of it first ;) Full details in the upcoming whitepaper.

Keep on OOZIN’,


