OOZE: Meet the Order of SLIME and the BioPunks

Ooze Finance
2 min readApr 4, 2022


The Order of SLIME Logo

Hello again, OOZERS. It’s time for me to reveal another exciting feature of OOZE Finance- the ability to choose a faction for your NFT passive income investment!

In the last article, as well as meeting the team, you learned that your investment in OOZE will be represented by a transferable, sellable NFT.

Well I’m here now to tell you that you have a choice to make when making your deposit and minting your NFT- will you join the Order of SLIME, or the BioPunks?

Order of SLIME

The Order of SLIME has formed monasteries in the sewers, slyly recruiting new disciples topside. Their goal is to spread the benefits and knowledge of OOZE to all.

In the Order, you will manage your own passive-income investment, choosing when to compound your daily ROI, and when to claim. You’ll have the ability to start your own monastery, recruiting disciples to join you, who give you benefits through the taxes they pay on depositing and compounding. You can choose your level of monastic benefits: automatic kickbacks on deposits and compounds that return to your disciples and set your monastery apart from others. In order to unlock these team rewards, you’ll contribute to the liquidity of OOZE in the Swamp, ensuring the OOZE price stays stable, and giving everyone, no matter their deposit size, the ability to build a monastery.

You might choose to join the Order of SLIME if you were referred by one of their members, and want to benefit from their generous automatic kickbacks on deposits. You might join because you want to grow your own monastery to grow your deposit faster. You might join for the comradery of a team- those who OOZE together stay together.

The BioPunks

The BioPunks are biohackers, and believe that technology improves everything. They inject OOZE into bio-mechanical implants in their bodies, and have automated its production with sleek assembly lines hidden beneath the city.

Auto-OOZE manages your wallet for you, auto-compounding and claiming at a frequency based on your long-term goals. Save on gas fees, as all compounding is automated for you. Pay gas only whenever you withdraw your claimed amounts.

You might join Auto-OOZE if you want to put your deposit on automatic mode and check in on it from time to time. You would join if you’re not interested in teambuilding yourself, but do value your time and want your deposit to grow based on your priorities.

Who will you choose to join?

So there you have it! OOZE has NFT investments, teambuilding, and an auto-compounding option!

But we’re not done yet. Come listen to our AMA tomorrow at 4pm EST on the Cryptozoa Youtube Channel to hear more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm0_z1DiyJA

That’s all for now,


