OOZE News: Litepaper, Presale, and Dates

Ooze Finance
4 min readApr 20, 2022


Hey Ooze Crew, I have some exciting updates for you!

OOZE LitePaper

The most exciting news I have is that our Litepaper is officially released! Go check it out here: https://bit.ly/oozefinance.

We’ve worked hard on this document, trying to get it just right. It’s important for us that you see just how much we value quality and excellence in this project. This Litepaper represents the care that we take towards everything we do: the contract, the dApp, and the way we treat our community.

As part of this release, we’re going to be doing several YouTube AMA’s and walkthroughs to promote it. Keep an eye on our Telegram and Discord for announcements for that. We’re also going to be running Trivia for Whitelist spots over on our Discord, and you might just find the answers to some of the questions are in the Litepaper…

Presale Details

We’ve decided on our final details around our presale, and wanted to pass that information on to you, as it’s one of the most commonly asked questions we receive. So here are the details:

Private Presale

Our first presale will be a private presale. This means that in order to be eligible, you must have a whitelist spot.

There are both guaranteed and unguaranteed whitelist spots.

Guaranteed whitelist spots are guaranteed a chance to purchase in the 48 hours the presale will be live.

Unguaranteed whitelist spots are not guaranteed a chance to purchase. Once we reach our target cap for the presale, unguaranteed whitelist spots will be unable to purchase.

If you’ve won a whitelist spot in a competition, whether on Twitter, on Discord, on Telegram, or through a community partnership, you have a guaranteed whitelist spot.

If you were part of the main Cryptozoa telegram ‘lounge’ group before the cut-off on Friday, April 8th, your main wallet has a guaranteed whitelist spot.

If you are not part of the main Cryptozoa telegram group, but are a downline member of their DRIP team, or if you are the secondary wallet of a main member, your wallet has an unguaranteed whitelist spot. This means you will be able to purchase in the presale, but only up until our target cap is met.

Our target cap for the private presale will be 1.5 million USDC. As described above, it is possible, and even likely, that we will raise more than that due to the nature of the guaranteed spots.

All spots in the presale have a minimum investment of 100 USDC and a maximum investment of 1000 USDC.

Should we not fill our target raise in the private presale, the remaining amount will be rolled into the public presale.

Public Presale

If you are unable to participate in the private presale, you are still eligible to participate in the public presale.

The public presale will be held shortly after the private presale’s 48 hours end. The public presale will have a target cap of 500k USD plus any amount not raised in private presale. Each wallet in the public presale will have a minimum investment of 100 USD and a maximum investment of 500 USD. We expect the public presale to sell out very shortly.


The majority of the capital (around 87%) raised in both presales will be going to initial liquidity of the OOZE token, with the rest spent on marketing, development costs, and paying contractors for things like art, design, the audits, and KYC. KYC and audits in particular are expensive, but worth it, and we are reserving a large marketing budget that will continue to be tapped heavily after launch. Final liquidity numbers will be announced after the conclusion of the presales.


And now we get to a less exciting subject, dates.

You all will likely be aware of recent events in the DeFi space. Several large projects have had large exploits successfully run against them, draining millions of dollars, or have had issues resulting in needing to pause or relaunch projects and tokens. Some of these projects may not recover from this- exploits, bugs, and bad launches damage a community and a project’s credibility.

These events, as well as our own commitments to transparency, the safety of our investors, and the desire for a solid launch for the long term success of our project, have motivated us to push back our launch. While we hadn’t yet given out exact dates, we had been aiming for the last week of April for our presale, with a launch the following week. Based on the work remaining for us to do and the time it will take to properly audit and test our code, we are pushing our presale and launch back to mid-May. We will provide exact dates as we get closer, and we commit to not releasing something that hasn’t been thoroughly tested, with as many eyes on it as possible to ensure the safety of our investors.


We’re really excited for the OOZE launch, and we hope you are, too. We have plenty of opportunities for you to win more whitelist spots before the presale.

Website: https://ooze.finance

Telegram: https://t.me/oozefinance

Discord: https://discord.gg/A532dq9PTw

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oozefinance

