About Op-Med

Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2018

What is Op-Med?

Op-Med is the content platform for Doximity members to share their stories and experiences with each other.

Who sees what I write?

Op-Med pieces are shared with all of Doximity — your audience is your peers, not your patients. As America’s largest professional healthcare network, Doximity reaches more than 1 million licensed clinicians, including 70% of U.S. physicians. Op-Med pieces are shared onto the Doximity newsfeed and have a high likelihood of being shared in our weekly emails to our members.

What do I write about?

Whatever topic in medicine you’d like. You can write about work-life balance, a lesson learned through a patient experience, your opinion about new guidelines, or something else you’re passionate about. Do not submit an advertisement or anything vitriolic in nature. Please keep your essay between 600–1000 words. We also accept poetry, fiction, and visual art, which can be shorter in length. Please be sure that any stories you share about patients are HIPAA-compliant by changing all names and identifying information.

Can I share something I’ve already written?

Sure, if you have a blog and want to republish here, that’s fine. Please include a link to the original post at the bottom if you want us to include that, and know that we reserve the right to make small edits to the content or headline. You retain the rights to anything you write for Op-Med to share elsewhere, as well. By submitting your article to Op-Med, you grant Doximity a license to republish your article on Op-Med and on Doximity’s platform.

How often do I have to write?

As often as you’d like! This is a volunteer opportunity — we are providing you the platform, so you make the deadlines yourself.

Can I be anonymous?

Yes — please specify that in your submission to us. Also send your Doximity profile URL so we can verify you are a member. We promise not to share your identity with others.

Can I include photos in my piece?

Yes, as long as you have permission to use them. Please include credits when applicable. We reserve the right to change photos if we find something better suited.

Anything else I should know before submitting?

Your Doximity profile page should have a photo, your specialty, your title, and your practice name or hospital. If you don’t have a Doximity account, sign up here. Doximity is a private network for verified clinicians only.

How do I submit?

Send your final draft only as a word or Google document, along with your Doximity profile and a one to two sentence third person bio to opmed@doximity.com. Your bio should disclose any conflicts of interest you have. Please include “Submission” in the subject line. You may suggest a headline, but we reserve the right to make any changes to headlines we see fit.

I submitted — now what?

Once your piece is submitted to Op-Med, we will get back to you within a month with edits or with a URL to share with your network.

Medium.com’s terms of service

Doximity/Op-Med Copyright Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy information is available here.


