Lesson 101: Intro to Opacity Cloud Storage and File Sharing

Aron Hiltzik
5 min readJun 22, 2019


With Opacity, you don’t need to worry about data breaches or your private details getting into the wrong hands. Why? Well, Opacity doesn’t hold those details for anyone to steal. It really is that simple.

Maybe you’ve seen the advertisements from Carlsberg where they state “If Carlsberg did…’’, tongue-in-cheek implying anything they make would be the best? Well, even if they made secure storage solutions, it would absolutely still not be on par with Opacity. And you should absolutely be signing up to find out what all the fuss is about.

We’ve already covered how to purchase OPQ with Ethereum or Bitcoin, but how do we use it to purchase storage on the Opacity platform? And, how do you get to be a part of one of the best growing brands right now?

If you’ve made it this far, then the hard work is behind you. It really is very easy to purchase storage, and using MetaMask, you’ll be up and running in a very short time.

One of the best things about the Opacity zero knowledge file storage platform is that you don’t require an email address or password to login. Protecting your privacy is paramount with Opacity and these small protections prove that. These simple omissions ensure that your details are kept private.

Most people use the same email address and password across many sites which isn’t good practice as hackers can utilize these details. With Opacity, you don’t need to worry about data breaches or your private details getting into the wrong hands. Why? Well, Opacity doesn’t hold those details for anyone to steal. It really is that simple.

Anonymity at its best.

How to Get Started

To get started, you need to head over to the Opacity home page and click on the Sign-up button. The process is very straightforward, but make sure that you read the instructions carefully, as the Account Handle and the Recovery Phrase are very important.

The Recovery Phrase is something that I’d advise you to store somewhere safe, (Warning: notepad files or email drafts are not safe!) somewhere that you can easily dig out when you need them. I use a physical notebook, which gets stored in my lockable document file. You can also use secure password managers that you trust.

Once you’ve stored your recovery phrase safely, agreed to the terms of service and proven that you aren’t a robot, click on Continue.

The Opacity Account Handle is the key to your Opacity account. Without it, you will not be able to access your files. Just like the recovery phrase, this is something that you want to store in physical form. Double and triple check that you have copied the Handle correctly, and to be double-y sure, you could copy the handle onto a notepad file and print it out and then delete the notepad file. Or use that secure password manager!


✓ Recovery Key — This is equivalent to your website username.

✓ Opacity Handle — This is equivalent to a website password.

✓ Requirements — None. You need zero knowledge of storage websites to use Opacity Storage.

So, you have secured both your Opacity handle and your recovery phrase, and made sure it has been safely tucked away. Now, you need to send your OPQ (the token we purchased last time) to pay for storage. If you’ve followed the previous guide, you’ll have MetaMask setup and OPQ already in your wallet. If you haven’t, you should go back and follow those instructions. Go ahead, we’ll wait…

Ready? Good!

Using the “Pay with MetaMask” button is by far the easiest way to pay for your storage, so, go ahead and press it.

A notification window should pop-up with a lot of information regarding your payment. You may also notice that there is a warning in red telling you that there are insufficient funds in your account. I fixed this by changing the gas fee (by pressing edit) and changing it to slow, you can do the same. This means your payment will take a little longer to register, but that’s the trade-off of using slower gas fees.

MetaMask will throw you a notification in the bottom right of your browser when the transaction is completed, and the Opacity page will redirect to a page which states your account is ready.

Congratulations, you’re on your way to joining the best storage site!

You’ll need to copy or type your Opacity Account Handle into the login box, clicking sign-in once you’re ready. The next screen you are directed to is the main Opacity UI (User interface), the File Manager. Now it’s time to start utilizing Opacity’s file storage.

Once you have your account, it’s very easy to use. Simply click the upload button to upload a variety of files, images, and documents for safe and easy storage — or just use drag and drop! You can also share and download uploads, so there’s no need to worry about losing the ability to store your files natively. It really is that simple.

Opacity is continually developing new features and they are even working on implementing credit card purchases to make it easier for users to join the site.

And that’s why if Carlsberg made storage solutions, they would never match Opacity in terms of anonymity, dedication, and usability. Opacity is continually looking at ways to improve the service and what they offer. Not many companies can say this nowadays.

Stick with those in the know, Opacity will keep your files and identity safe and help you ‘’Handle Your Privacy’’.

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