Opacity — April 2020 Update

Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2020

Staying on track with our roadmap

First and foremost, the Opacity team sincerely hopes that you and your families are staying safe, healthy, and calm in the face of this unprecedented global landscape.

Amid the widespread uncertainty in the global economy, we have been doing our best to stay on course without making any drastic decisions or actions. It would be unwise to invest too heavily and overextend our financial and other limited resources. However, we certainly remain active and involved in several ways as outlined in this update.

As always, the community has been a tremendous support to us. It is motivational to have people engaged on our Telegram and other social media to help spread the word about Opacity.

Plan Upgrades and Renewals

The ability to upgrade accounts has been available since March, but the timing for release was not ideal. Amidst the height of the global pandemic, any release would have been obscured and under the radar, without notice. As we near an improvement to conditions, the release of account upgrades will be forthcoming.

As we get closer to the first anniversary since launch, account renewals becomes much more important. We will be releasing this ability well before the expiration of the early account sign-ups from June 2019. Expect it to be released this month!

Galaxy Whitepaper

The Galaxy whitepaper will provide a summary and outline of the future state of the decentralized storage network topology and operational methodology. It is currently in an early draft form and we are making good progress, but it requires a bit more detail before publication. We hope to be able to provide this in the next couple of months.

Public File Sharing and Preview

Posting and sharing images, videos, and music to social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or Instagram is a top priority. This capability would be a huge win in terms of exposure and awareness for the Opacity brand. We are still targeting June/July time-frame to have this available so we can continue to increase public exposure.

Kyber Decentralized Exchange

We have submitted all required paperwork for listing on Kyber and we’re working closely with them to prepare for a listing in the future. This is still planned in the future roadmap, but expected during the summer.

Kucoin ST Status

Unfortunately, Opacity has received a Special Treatment status from Kucoin due to OPQ trading volume not meeting minimum requirements. We have worked closely with Kucoin and made improvements in order for liquidity to meet the minimum targets and have received confirmation from Kucoin that we will be removed from ST status on May 15, assuming the current liquidity level continues. We look forward to removing this as a concern and don’t foresee any further issues at this time.

Keep an eye out in the Opacity Announcements channel and you’ll always be up-to-date!

That wraps up this month!

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About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is a cloud storage provider dedicated to data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io.



Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.