
Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2019

Early prototype puts Opacity on the path to decentralization

Opacity’s mission is to create secure and private file storage easily accessible by anyone. Since the beginning, we have emphasized the need for a human friendly interface, maintaining user anonymity, and data persistence. The first two have largely been achieved, so our effort now includes creating the infrastructure to support data persistence outside the reach of one centralized entity, even us.

That means decentralization.

And the first step is to prove the ability to store files on a server that’s not in Amazon.

Well, here it is: https://youtu.be/MOfbHgEqhF0

What’s the Big Deal?

This video is short — maybe even a little boring — but like Neil Armstrong said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for decentralization”…or something like that.

The prototype demonstrates that we will not be reliant on AWS S3 forever. Files can and will be pushed to other storage providers, including private storage nodes run by anyone that wants to run one.


To be sure, the road to decentralization will be a long one. This is not a small effort, nor will it evolve on short timescales. The protocols of the Internet we know today took many years to evolve; a decentralized, data persistent, self-reliant network will also take quite some time.

Additionally, since Opacity is focused on user growth and traction, decentralization is not quite a top priority. However, it will not be far off the goals once we pick up the next phase of development. This is a longer term effort that will come in stages as many complex components need to be designed and tested.

Until then, we’ll continue to safely store your files. Have you shared a file with someone today? Try it out for free.

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About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is a cloud storage provider dedicated to data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io and follow @Opacity_Storage on Twitter.



Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.