Opacity — February 2020 Update

Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2020

Announcing the Opacity 2020 Roadmap!

Here we are, 1 year since the initial announcement of Opacity 1.0! The Opacity team achieved nearly all the goals set out for 2019. As committed in the 2019 Roadmap, the team delivered nearly all planned features and capabilities. A few notable exceptions included Subscription Renew/Upgrade, Streaming Files, and Decentralized Storage Providers which were missing for 2019.

However, these are all addressed as part of the updated 2020 Roadmap.

Opacity 2020 Roadmap
Opacity 2020 Roadmap

Note: The Roadmap represents the goals and intentions of the Opacity team. The commitment is to make best effort to deliver the objectives. However, reality is often different from plans and may not result in any or all expectations being met. Our commitment is to strive to do our best to deliver these goals.

Plan Upgrades and Renewals

Upgrades have been in development for several months. It has been slow going due to the team availability and some complexity in the code. However, once complete, much of the functionality can be leveraged for Renewals, so that should be delivered much faster.

We expect Upgrades to be ready in March, while Renewals will be ready in May, prior to expiration of the early account sign-ups from June 2019.

Target: March/May 2020

Codename: Galaxy

What is Galaxy?
Galaxy is the codename of the Opacity decentralized storage network. The first step to delivering the long term outcome of full decentralization will be publishing the Galaxy Whitepaper. The document will provide a summary and outline of the decentralized storage network topology and operational methodology. Stay tuned!

Target: April 2020

Public File Sharing and Preview

Simply put, you should be able to store your files in Opacity and post and share images, videos, and music anywhere you like, such as social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or Instagram.

The encryption and security already in place to protect your files today is what prevents publicly sharing those files. In the future, we will provide an option for users to create a publicly accessible version of a file so that it can be shared as needed.

Target: June 2020

Kyber/Enjin Wallet

In order to increase access to the Opacity token, OPQ, we will establish additional liquidity via decentralized exchanges like Kyber or Bancor. This will also enable users to perform in wallet exchange from any other token to OPQ directly within Enjin Wallet to reduce the friction of Kucoin as the primary exchange option.

Target: Q3/Q4 2020

Opacity Mobile

Further on the horizon is providing a native mobile application experience. We have prioritized the items above based on resource availability, including people and capital, but mobile remains a key target to expand the user base and enable a feature rich on-the-go experience. Sync, upload, download, and sharing will all be available. We are also investigating the ability to pay directly in app with Enjin Wallet as an extension of the above item.

Target: Q3/Q4 2020

Keep an eye out in the Opacity Announcements channel and you’ll always be up-to-date!

That wraps up this month!

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About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is a cloud storage provider dedicated to data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io.



Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.