Opacity — November Update

Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2019

Win 5,000 OPQ | XIO helps boost Business Plans | Live Interview with Opacity CEO coming soon

The main highlight in November was the announcement of the XIO Incubator program. Coming soon, I will be answering questions in an interview with Zachary Dash this week in preparation for the XIO vote that starts on December 6. Be sure to support Opacity!

We have passed the 2TB level in storing user data storage as our user base continues to expand. Although site traffic overall is slightly down, both 1TB and 2TB accounts grew in November. This is expected as we level off acquisition and work on improving paid conversions. December may be a slow month due to the holiday period.

Here’s a game for you!

Below is a graph of the total files uploaded with Opacity to date. If you guess the number closest to the number of files uploaded, you will win 5,000 OPQ.


  • You must join Telegram.
  • You must follow us on Twitter.
  • On Twitter, post a message to share what you like most about Opacity and include @opacity_storage.
  • In Telegram group, share the Twitter link to your message, add your guessed number, and include @funkydrummer1 in the message.
  • Entries will end at Noon EST on Wednesday 12/4 and winner will be announced in Telegram and Twitter.
How many files have been uploaded to Opacity?

Account Growth

New plans grew ~16% overall in November, a bit lower than October, but paid plans increased significantly primarily due to new members learning about Opacity with the XIO incubator announcement.

  • Total Plans increased from 1260 to 1464
  • Free Plans increased from 710 to 873
  • 128GB Basic Plans increased from 386 to 391
  • 1TB Professional Plans increased from 125 to 138
  • 2TB Business Plans increased from 39 to 62

You can clearly see the account bump when we made the XIO Announcement in mid-November.

Site Engagement

November site traffic was mostly flat to down (~10%) from October. Since we have found a viable traffic point for advertising and overall user acquisition (16k users), it makes sense to stabilize ad spend and focus further on conversion metrics of existing traffic.

While traffic to the Share page has lowered, it still accounts for >50% of traffic. Traffic to the homepage (10k pageviews) and the Business plans increased significantly, which is a good trend for our goal of improving conversions.

There is one very interesting metric in regards to Location traffic and engagement — Hong Kong was #3 in Conversion Rate (~55%). While they only received ~1,000 impressions, they seem very interested in Opacity.

The other mention here is that India received a huge amount of Impressions and had the highest Interaction Rate, Clicks and Conv Rate, moving well past China for November.

December is a short month due to the holiday period. XIO should wrap up their voting and we look forward to the final results!

Keep an eye out in the Opacity Announcements channel and you’ll always be up-to-date!

That wraps up this month!

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About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is a cloud storage provider dedicated to data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io.



Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.