Opacity / QLC Hackathon Promotes Improving User Privacy Ecosystem

Aron Hiltzik
Opacity Storage
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

Announcing our first hackathon to deepen our partnership and relationship between our products in order to extend the user privacy ecosystem!

Opacity Storage and QLC Chain have been growing our partnership by designing initiatives that improve connectivity between the two platforms. Together, Opacity and QLC are committed to developing applications for real-world use. By combining the zero-knowledge capabilities of Opacity with the hardware encryption of QLC Chain’s Confidant system, we can create a strong foundation for a larger ecosystem that includes secure and private data owned by all users across the platforms.

The Internet has advanced people’s modern life, brings convenience and improved effectiveness for so many. It has fostered the e-commerce, social media, sharing economy. However, there seems to be some things not quite right.

While the internet is bringing people closer, it is also building an invisible web that captures everyone by way of personal data monetization, social credit, digital ID, banking status, etc. In other words, people are exchanging their digital lives for ‘convenience’. This situation creates a wide open door for malicious attacks, while also enabling for-profit chasing corporations to unscrupulously monetize their users without consent.

We believe this is not right, and we would like to change it by leveraging DECENTRALIZATION, starting with online communication and data storage.

About the Hackathon


To improve the private data ecosystem across both QLC Chain and Opacity, two projects that focus on user privacy and are committed to building products for the future where people can safeguard their digital content.

Hackathon Topics

  • Bridge Confidant Account with Opacity Storage

Confidant has 20G free storage for each account holder. How would a user access Opacity Storage when using Confidant in messaging, upload files, photos, videos, and store the emails? It is up to you to create this!

  • Bridge Confidant Station storage to Opacity

A Confidant Station can extend up to 2TB of hardware storage. How can an owner allocate some spare space to lend to Opacity users or other Confidant users? The owner can earn OPQ or QGAS.


The registration form will be provided and begin accepting applications on August 22nd.

About Confidant

Confidant is a decentralized communication tool with encrypted IM, file transfer and email function, with the owner-centric account system. It offers free accounts for users now with 20GB free space.

About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is a cloud storage provider dedicated to online data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io and follow @Opacity_Storage on Twitter.

