The Journey to Opacity 2.0 Starts Now

Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021

In 2020, Opacity went from a breakthrough idea to a progressive technology company focused on user privacy and an easy to use product supported by cutting edge technology. The tremendous support of our community has enabled the growth of the company and we are sincerely grateful for your strong, sustained support.

While 2020 has been a difficult year for many businesses, Opacity has weathered the storms of the crypto bear market, the pandemic, and a severe Kucoin exchange hack to emerge stronger than ever and ready to take on the next stage of growth.

2021 Themes and Objectives

Throughout the past quarter, we have been hard at work preparing our roadmap and we are pleased to announce that we are on track with our strategy heading into 2021. We start 2021 with a strong team, clear strategic direction, mature development processes, and disruptive core technologies.

We value our dialogue with the community and in 2021 marketing and communication will be in the center of our attention. We will initiate a public discussion on important matters of data protection and anonymity in storage and will continue establishing a leadership position in this space. Our community efforts, as usual, will be focused on bringing like minded individuals together in a friendly stimulating environment where ideas exchange and strive.

Opacity 2.0 Team Assembled

Hiring world-class talent to deliver our engineering, community, and marketing objectives is essential to our path forward. The talent and dedication of Opacity’s team, along with a clear strategic plan for this year, will lead us to achieve our growth targets. Our team is already in place and focused on the key areas highlighted below.

Emphasis on Brand Awareness

A wider adoption of Opacity’s services by non-crypto users will lead to consumer base development and the company’s equity growth. Partnerships, promotions, and other marketing methods will be essential to increase our brand awareness and adoption.

Esther Katz has joined as our marketing lead and is spearheading our brand awareness campaigns. She has been leading marketing campaigns in AI and blockchain world for many years and participated in successfully growing other token based platforms.

Grow the Opacity Community

We will increase the reach of the Opacity network across all channels. Not just social media messaging, but also our developer network, promoting more developers to adopt the Opacity platform as a place to build their next dapp and to earn funds by doing so.

Key elements:

  • Outreach to like-minded communities in privacy, as well as with systems that can leverage the Opacity storage platform.
  • Community Spotlight on our website to promote 3rd party developer applications.
  • Increase outreach and engagement via social media platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram.

Tim DeHaas and Cesar (Ceres) Eisma are our community managers. Tim is a seasoned veteran that has been with the team since our start. Cesar joins as a passionate community member with great ideas to expand the Opacity community.

Website / Webapp Redesign

To support our path towards community growth and user adoption, the website will undergo an overhaul in brand messaging and general layout. The File Dashboard will also gain improved user functions and a cleaner layout for ease of use and to support future improvements.

Khoa Truong, front-end engineer, has joined the team to provide the design and implementation of the user interface.

Mobile Application

As part of the wider adoption plan, a mobile based application is a must have. Opacity in your pocket, always ready to upload, download, or share files easily. Included will be an easy payment option to reduce any friction for new users.

Khoa will also focus on the mobile application following the website changes.

Decentralized Whitepaper

Drafted last year, this whitepaper is nearly complete and ready to see the light of day. Staking? Storage node earnings? Governance? The whitepaper will explain all our ideas for how to build out the Opacity Galaxy decentralized platform.

Boris Hernan, experienced blockchain engineer, is finalizing the paper and adding his perspective on the more challenging components. Boris has deep experience working with blockchain technologies for large enterprises and other systems.

Performance and Scalability Improvements

Mostly transparent to users, there will be many changes to the existing metadata and platform structure that will improve system capabilities required for mobile and decentralization. This includes account metadata as well as improving upload speeds to handle encryption on mobile devices.

Connor Hen has been a veteran Opacity engineer since our early days. He is very familiar with our core technologies (which he helped build!) and a key member of our development team.

Additionally, two of our former full-time team members are now Technology Advisors on the project. With their essential knowledge and past contributions, Jet and Rebel will continue to be available for any architectural or other technical input, providing continuity to our development team.

Onward and Upward!

We thank you all for the true support over the last year. We are extremely excited for all that is to come in 2021 and look forward to the journey ahead together.

About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is dedicated to online data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit and follow @Opacity_Storage on Twitter.

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Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.