What the F@$& is going on with Opacity?

Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2022


Well, it has been some time hasn’t it? Lots of things have occurred, both personal and business, that have affected my focus and involvement in Opacity, especially publicly.

Time is the scarcest commodity of all and as CEO, I need to apply my energy as best as possible and at the right times under the right conditions. Those conditions didn’t exist for the past 6 months, but the time is slowly approaching when more will come to light about what has happened behind the scenes.

Additionally, the state of the crypto market wasn’t conducive to any good news, releases, or product updates. They would have been wasted, so I have been waiting for a better market opportunity.

I believe that opportunity is approaching.

So where the f@$& have you been?

Right here working. Hard to believe? Sorry, it’s true.

Throughout 2022, we have been focused on finishing the updated webapp and mobile app. We also continued to work on Sia integration, but the personnel focused on the feature was unable to deliver and relieved of their position, so it is yet unfinished. It will be revisited as a top priority.

On release, the above features will conclude the Opacity 2.0 generation. The beta site is a release candidate for v2.5 and the only iteration remaining will be updating our plans to include Sia integration. This will lead to Opacity 3.0 in which we expand the application layer built on the Opacity platform as well as continue to integrate other decentralized systems for storage use and develop our own as described in the whitepaper.

The Opacity mobile app is ready for release as soon as our company plans are initiated. These are what are known as “I can’t tell you everything, but it’s cool” plans. Vague enough? That’s all I can say, except that I believe the things that are coming won’t be long now and it has been my decision to wait to release mobile until everything is aligned properly for the greatest exposure.

These pending deliverables have been an extreme source of frustration for me, since well before this year. They’ve been underway for 18 months now — yes, seriously. The plans are dependent on outside parties and they have changed the delivery time-frame numerous times. It made no sense for me to convey something publicly that is not concrete and established, and even now, I am hesitant, but hopeful, that I won’t regret mentioning it to you now.

But how are YOU doing, Jason?

Oh, thanks for asking, very kind of you. Yes, personal issues have had a strong affect on my mental health and well-being.

Thankfully, I’m still alive and healthy, I’m not kidnapped by aliens, or having secret love children, or partying with drugs and hookers. Honestly, my life is pretty mundane, except that life happens like it happens to all of us.

Some highlights:

In September 2021, I had severe kidney stones and required surgery to remove them. During recovery, I separated from my fiance of 10 years. For months following this, I needed to participate in mediation sessions and coordination with her to manage my daughter’s needs and create a shared schedule. My daughter started to have behavioral issues at school and we removed her for the remainder of the year which required additional home care and a nanny to assist. She has since improved and things are thankfully on the right track.

There is way more, there always is, but the point here is that we are all human and doing the best we can given our circumstances. Family first is very important to me, I hope you can understand that.

So what’s “The Plan”? What kind of bullshit do you want us to believe now?

The basic plan exists that has existed before and that is outlined above. We will be waiting on the company plans to complete, then release mobile and finish Sia, before moving to 3.0.

Timeline? Again, very hesitant, but let’s say 3.0 will start this fall.

Anything else?

Sadly, I don’t intend to ever be as involved publicly as I was in the past. As much as I really enjoyed reading and responding to every one of you through our social media platforms, it’s a lot of work to engage publicly on a consistent basis.

Unfortunately, as the CEO, I have information that is not public, and I have many responsibilities that are in constant struggle for priority, both business and personal. I do the best I can to juggle all expectations, and I will try to always provide timely information to the public.

I will strive to have regular updates again, at least monthly, but my worst fear would be that they may say “Nothing new, see you next month!”. I don’t believe this will happen in August — let’s see.

Until then, my final comment is a word of appreciation for all the supporters that have stuck with us. You are appreciated and I am still here because of you. I haven’t forgotten you.

About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is dedicated to online data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io and follow @Opacity_Storage on Twitter.



Jason Coppola
Opacity Storage

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.