Episode XXI: Avoid AI Blindness for Business Vision and See the Rainbow

Fatih Nar
Open 5G HyperCore
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024

Author: Fatih E. NAR

Rainbow Seeking Businessman

As we navigate the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the conversation often skews towards a sci-fi screenplay where robots take over the world — or at least our jobs. But before you start preparing for a machine-led apocalypse, let’s refocus the lens. In the bustling software-defined world, the real story isn’t about AI elbowing out humans; it’s about AI handing us a paintbrush to color our business landscape with efficiency, innovation, and a splash of creativity.

Upskilling: Attention Is All Your Employee Need

Remember when Google revolutionized AI with the idea that “Attention Is All You Need” for transformer architectures? Well, your employees need a bit of that attention too. In the frenzy of finding the next big AI prodigy, we often overlook the gold mine of talent already within our ranks. Data scientists with expertise in an enterprise domain (say Telco 😁) are as rare as a peaceful day on social media. So, why not turn inward and invest in the people who already speak your company’s language? Providing focused training and upskilling opportunities can transform them into the AI-savvy professionals you’re searching for. It’s not just about feeding new software into the old system; it’s about enriching the substrate of your workforce with new capabilities and insights -> isn’t this a good culture (that you have been ignoring) or what?!.

Data Challenges: Like Herding Cats, But Harder

If you think gathering and cleaning tons of relevant, trustworthy data sounds challenging, you’re spot on — it’s like herding cats, if the cats were on a redbull buzz. The integrity of AI’s insights hinges on the quality of data it’s fed. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. Ensuring the data is not just big, but also clean & relevant and fresh, is crucial. No one wants to base business decisions on data that’s as sketchy as an old-looking three-dollar bill.

Model Precision and Reliability: Not Just a Numbers Game

AI models can be finicky. Their performance can swing wildly depending on the computational power at hand and the biases lurking in the data shadows. So, before you take your AI model’s word as gospel, remember to check its heritage. Think of it as a reality check for your digital prophet. Ensuring your AI’s predictions are stable and reliable across different scenarios is like making sure your umbrella holds up in a storm — not just when you buy it in the store at sunny day.

The Bright Future with AI: More Human Than Ever

AI isn’t here to steal jobs but to amplify human potential, speed up progress, and increase efficiency. We’re looking at a future where humans can explore new realms of creativity and innovation, guided by AI’s assistance. It’s about using AI to find the pot of gold at the end of the data rainbow, freeing us up to do what humans do best — think, dream, and create (and make a good coffee, because humans still run on caffeinated dreams).

The bottom line is; the journey with AI in the realm of business and beyond should be less about fearing a robot takeover and more about embracing the collaborative dance between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. By integrating AI with a dose of humor and a focus on human potential, businesses can not only survive but thrive, painting a future that’s as bright as it is smart. So, let’s strap on our new digital tool belts and get to work — with a smile. 🤠

