Episode XX: Open Source, The Wild West of Innovation, Not a Free Buffet!

Fatih Nar
Open 5G HyperCore
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2024

Author: Fatih E. NAR

Open Source Sheriff

Ah, the vast, untamed wilderness of technology and software development, where the open-source movement rides high like a valiant cowboy of innovation, collaboration, and communal prosperity. This bustling town of code-sharing is built on the noble ideal that by tossing our knowledge and expertise into the communal pot, we can cook up technological advancements far beyond the reach of the lone gunslinger working under the cloak of proprietary secrecy.

But, hold your horses! It seems not everyone got the memo on what open source is all about.

Sometimes, there’s a bit of a mix-up, or worse, a downright heist attempt by those looking to rustle up some code without tipping their hat in return. This opens up a barn door of discussion on the true spirit of open source and a gentle reminder to not mistake the communal water trough for an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Now, about those rules of the range. Open source isn’t the Wild West without a sheriff. We’ve got ourselves a variety of licenses, like the revered General Public License (GPL) version 3, which is akin to the law of the land for ensuring that software remains as free as a bird and as accessible as the saloon on a Friday night. It allows folks to modify, share, and even make a few bucks off their work, so long as they pass that freedom on like a passed hat at a hoedown. This ain’t just about being neighborly; it’s about fostering a cycle of continuous improvement and shared bounty, ensuring that both the creators and users of software can ride off into the sunset, better off than when they rode in.

Lately, there’s been some chatter by the campfire about some big outfit trying to stake their claim on open-source territory without playing by the communal rules. Imagine walking into a potluck, taking the biggest piece of pie, and not even nodding at the baker. That’s the kind of scenario sparking debates faster than lightning on a dry prairie about how we balance the give and take of open-source software. Open source is an invitation to a barn-raising, not a signal to swipe the barn doors for your own homestead.

The magic of open source is in its posse of developers, contributors, and dreamers. It’s a community pledge to keep the software prairie wide, wild, and welcoming for all who wish to explore and contribute to it. This ethos has led to inventions and innovations that are the backbone of our digital frontier today. It’s a land where respect is earned by those who contribute, not by those who only take, reminding us that even the smallest contribution to the commons is worth its weight in gold.

As the open-source frontier expands, let’s tip our hats to the values that have made it a land of opportunity: innovation, collaboration, and shared prosperity. Let’s continue to protect these principles, ensuring that the open-source world remains a place where everyone, from the solo developer to the biggest tech outfits, can come together to build something truly spectacular.

After all, in the grand tapestry of open source, every stitch counts, and it’s the collective pattern that makes it a masterpiece!

