Financial data platforms are broken

Doug Eisenstein
Open Aristos
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

I bet your data platform, is one of the following:

a) custom built using a variety of open-source libraries and tools

b) a one-stop-shop software-enabled vendor does 100% for you

c) you’ve bought a costly off-the-shelf monolithic solution

What’s wrong with that? Well, if you sit back, think about it, ask yourself, are you locked-in, like really, are you locked in?

Many companies are locked into a data provider, they rely on Bloomberg for everything, take them out of the mix, and your entire platform breaks, not because it’s the data, it’s because you’re too coupled to their identifier, or data model.

Another example, can you swap your database, from MSSQL to InfluxDB or try Snowflake? Can you do this in a day, and have all of your data running on it? Can you do this across clouds or are you tightly coupled to AWS, Azure, or Google?

Perhaps, you’ve bought a financial domain specific “Enterprise Data Management” tool, and are spending 6-digit’s per year, are you getting a good return on investment?

Well, I want you to imagine, what if, you could build your own data platform, as easy Wordpress has made creating a new website in hours, pick a theme, buy a few apps from the marketplace and then be up and running.

That is precisely the mindset that we have designed, from the ground up, in a disruptive open source toolkit, that helps you build a financial data platform in 60 minutes or less.



Doug Eisenstein
Open Aristos

Doug is a entrepreneur, tech leader, writer, and innovator🔥.